Apr 06, 2010 23:33
You know the Freshman 15? Well, I think that can be applied to other major life changes as well (especially if they result in more alcohol consumption). Particularly moving to another country. Especially a rather high-stress country that also has things called tabehoudai, nomihoudai and enkai. All-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink and work parties.
Basically, I've gained a bit of weight since moving to Japan. (I think everyone expects people to lose weight here, but usually those people are either men or picky eaters/non-drinkers. I am none of those things). Not an obscene amount, but far more than I would tolerate.
So, today I joined in on Kobe's Biggest Loser. It sounds like what it is, only without weekly weigh-ins and eliminations, and without trainers.
I need to get back into my diet mindset. I've lost a net weight of about 90 pounds before (granted, over about 2 year period). I'm sure I can lose 20 pounds and win a bunch of money. Easier said than done though. Especially since it takes a lot of effort/money to eat healthily in this country.
I sort of want to get into pilates. My mom got me a book on it for Christmas a couple years ago. I'm so terrible at following workout routines though.
Anyway, wish me luck! And any advice is gladly welcome.