Title: Flower Pairing: matsumiya Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: in their concert Jun and Nino gave each other flowers XD.“you brought back the yellow flower?”Jun asked in surprise as he took the flower from the nightstand
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Title: waiting on you Pairing: Matsumiya Ganre: romance, fluff Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: who knew few text messages would lead to something more...(a Nino birthday fic XD)
Title: unspoken Pairing: matsumiya Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance , fluff. Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: But all of that changed when Jun waltzed into his life.
Title: control Pairing: matsumiya Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance , fluff. Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: when nino gets hurt during their Hawaii concert, jun can’t stop worrying about him.
Title: like this Pairing: Junba Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance. Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: a lazy night, just the two of them. Note: this is a birthday gift for my dear
Title: 8 photos (Last chapter) Pairing: matsumiya, slight sakuraiba Rating:PG-13 Genre: romance, angst Disclaimer: Johnny’s, not mine. Summary: there are 8 photos of Nino in Jun’s house. Note: italic words are the future.