Icon Meme

Jun 17, 2008 23:25

01. Reply to this post (ask for the meme...) and I will pick six of your icons.
02. Make a post and talk about the icons I chose.
03. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
04. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

--This icon is here because I obviously crap rainbows~ That and I do love me some kawaiinot.com comics, though lately they haven't been as good as usual >_>'' but really, one's gonna run out of good ideas someday XD'

--SIMPLE IS BEST! Monokuroboo are so cute ♥ I knew them as Pigpig/PigiPogi because I had a pen/pencil with them on it that said that. They are from San-X which > Sanrio for having a seal that lives in a fishbowl and eats soybeans (Mamegoma), having a character that represents laziness (Tarepanda) and having a character called Beer-chan (Guess what he does).

--Rurutia!! God she's so much love. I've loved her since forever, but had a hard time getting her music for the longest time *lived on only five of her songs for the year until she found a discography upload* This icon also uses my fun leaf brush that randomizes in rotation, size, and color :D

--Just a cheap icon of Kipi that I made when I was revamping all my icons, I ended up really, really liking it though, it was the first I really manipulated with contrast, brightness, opacity, and layers.


--My two Yunie icons~ I cosplay Yuna alongside with Kat who is Rikku (and used to RP Yuna with her Rikku last year) and have grand fun doing it. I made these icons to represent the Yuna in me and to have icons to go with Kat's lol.
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