Apr 26, 2011 11:24
Well, it didn't amuse me, but it might amuse you guys.
I went to both my interview yesterday. Needless to say, they sucked large, mutated, hairy balls.
First interview. I have no idea where the club is. There's no website, no map, and the guy didn't give me any directions. So of course, I get lost in kabukicho, basically the red light district. I'm wandering around trying to look purposeful when some old fuck comes up and says ねえ、お姉ちゃん。どっか行く?そこでもいいよ。 (Hey girl, wanna go somewhere? What about there?) and points to a love hotel. I'm like -ignores- so he's like No?ダメ?忙しい?コーヒーは?電話番号は?080... (No? No? Are you busy? What about coffee? My phone number? It's 080...) and I was like SERIOUSLY FUCK OFF. and he instantly shut up and drifted away lololol.
But then a group of host boys walked past me and one of them did that ridiculous disgusting tongue thing and I was like.... not fucking amused dickface. And then ANOTHER host boy walked by and was like "Heyyy..." and I was like JUST NO FFS. NO. NOOOO. lol. And I called the guy who was supposed to be interviewing me because I was obviously on my way to rape city.
The guy comes to pick me up (in front of a fucking love hotel none the less), and he acts all super annoyed like I'm retarded, then when we get to the club he whispers something to his coworker and they both laugh and I'm like yeah whatever. Fuck you. It's not my fault that I was literally given NO directions AT ALL and couldn't magically find the place. The actual interview itself went okay, but since those guys are such dicks just... ugh. I don't even know.
The second interview was in Mitaka, and I realllllly liked the feel of the place. It was really relaxed and guys were already in there and they seemed really chill, not creepy old businessmen, and they were singing karaoke and shit already. It looked really fun, and the worker guys were really nice too so I was like sweeeet this is my place yo. I filled out the two page application (including questions like my cup size... the fuck...) and turned it in, and the guy glanced at it, instantly handed it back and said "If you want to go home by last train, you can't work here. We're open until 4AM and if you become someones 指名 (chosen hostess) you have to stay until 4AM drinking with them and stuff. Sorry."
I was like woooooooow thanks for telling me BEFORE I came all the way here and filled out this ridiculously long application. There's no way I can work until 4AM. I have a job starting at 10, and I have a husband to go home to. Honestly?
So... yeah. Fuck my life. I have another interview today. I'm hoping so hard that it goes well. (;~; ) But I'm a little worried because I don't know where this one is either and I can't find a map... I'll just call them as soon as I get to the station and tell them I don't know and hope they don't act like dicks about it like the first guy...