SchuxYohji: A bit angsty, of course, but then.. can
you say, sex? If you can't, you seriously need
some help, my friend, because SchuxYohji -
screams- of it. It might not be love, but --
hey! It's damn delicious!
Your Weiss Kreuz Yaoi Pairing Is... brought to you by
Quizilla That just made my night lol =^.^= Me Obsessive? Nahh lol =^.^=
Yet another night of not being able to sleep but thats ok lol ^_^
OMG!!!!!!!!! I'm watching the episode of Futurama where they are in the military, and Leela pretends to be a guy, and Zapp is all over her. Its so funny lol. Escpecially that whole bit with Zapp and Kiff about Zapp's sexy disease lol Sexlexia lol OMG! LOL I heard that and the first thing I thought of was Esh, lol omg!!!!
So Nana got me Kill Bill Volume 2 yesterday, which was really REALLY cool!!!
Oh how I LOVE both Bender and Kiff lol.
Oreo's are good cookies!!!! =^.^=