[Translation] Yabu Popolo 09/10

Jul 22, 2010 05:12

At work, at home, at a friends home, I want to think of every place as home. An important place for me is not decided by a specific location, but by the people and the environment.
When your friends are around you will feel relieved anywhere. That being said, I treasure my close friends. I'll never get tired of every day being together and talking with each other. It doesn't have to be a deep story, with just a few words I will understand what they're talking about and that's enough. Before, when I got told, "I know you have your job, but when you want to be in your hometown for a while I can fully understand," I got really happy. I will always treasure it, friends are important.

JUMP Phrase
Lack of sleep?!
During the world cup I had a lack of sleep every day (laughs). Yesterday, while watching the game I got excited, it was because I was with friends and soccer!

Album "No.1" point!
Everyone's cheer-up song.
When I heard Dreamer's music playing for the first time it was hard to not just drop the lyrics (laughs). (He means that the music was too nice for lyrics). It became a cheerful song!


Short translation, but I loved it nonetheless. Will probably translate more this week, depending on my time. For now. Enjoy this short translation!

Comments and corrections are always welcome.

magazine: myojo, hsj:yabu

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