i have the single most adorable, fun, cute, caring girlfriend in the world right now.
i'm really glad i got to be in the last night of the play i did understudy for.
i'm so fucking excited for all the new things Bear Garden is beginning.
i'm really slacking in school right now but i've been accepted into scholastica, and have already passed my classes for this semester, so to be honest, i don't give a flying fun house!
i'm curious how these next few days are going to be before i leave for alaska, oh yea
i'm going to alaska to work at a fishery for 5 weeks this summer, 16 hour days every day of the week, $4,000, mmhmm.
i can not wait for tour, it is going to be the single most amazing experience of my life regardless of how it turns out.
i'm still undecided on how i like the shoes i bought.
i love the design my brother did for the Bear Garden hoodies, perfect.
i'm not going to my senior banquet, just doesn't sound all that appealing.
i can't put into word how jubilant i am that high school drama/work/shitiness/everything is over.
i love longboarding absolutely everywhere i go, plus it keeps me in shape
i hope BG can find a good van for tour.
i'm in need of some new tunes.
i'm listening to all my parents old vinyl.
i really really really really really like this girl, a lot. things have been better than i could ever imagine with her. and this relationship in general is entirely different than any other i've ever experienced. mostly because she is entirely different than any girl i've ever met. i can't even put into words exactly what it is that makes her so different. my life is so overwhelmed with problematics and inconsistencies that more often than not leave me panicing for some way to let my frustration out and ease myself. but there's something about her, that when i look at her, or even think of her, that just calms me. she has such a calm and care-free personality that, well, inspires me. i love people who can inspire me, especially when it's the one i'm dating. i don't even want to think what's going to happen after summer.