Things may be improving

Jan 23, 2013 13:31

My finances are not improving but the situations surrounding them seem to be on the rise.

I finally called Discover and spoke to a very nice gentleman who was considerate and helpful. I do still have to pay $250 for January but as soon as I get my enrollment verification and paperwork faxed over to them, I should be in the clear while they verify everything. My dad is footing the bill but I very much intend to pay him back ASAP. This will defer my student loans until next June as I am going for an additional associate's degree as well as a certification that I hope will make me more marketable in my desired job field.

My paperwork/packet for unemployment arrived yesterday. I will be getting enough money a month to pay my credit card bills and have extra to put in my savings.

I might qualify for a grant to help pay for my textbooks and school supplies. I'm eagerly awaiting my financial aid package from school.

I have applied for a few jobs recently, one for a previous employer (5 years) that will pay me more than minimum wage.

I don't care that people are telling me I should be "looking for a real job", I'm trying to find something that will help me NOW. 


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