[On Golden Pond] focuses on aging couple Ethel and Norman Thayer, who spend each summer at their home on Golden Pond. This year they are visited by daughter Chelsea with her fiancé and his son in tow. The [film] explores the often turbulent relationship the young woman shared with her father growing up, and the difficulties faced by a couple in the twilight years of a long marriage.
im not sure if i did, but its possible... very possible lorna wants me to ask you if you could pick me up tonight from my apartment so she doesnt have to ask sandy :)
It's not a problem at all. You only live right down the street. Well, down SW 20th Ave, right? Does she want me to get you before or after they get here?
yeah to down sw 20th and i have no idea to when my number is 561 373 4143. if i dont answer its cause i dont know your number so just leave a message :)
~From Wikipedia.
lorna wants me to ask you if you could pick me up tonight from my apartment so she doesnt have to ask sandy :)
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