Jul 07, 2005 23:46

PAUL!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!! tomorrow is my birthday. last year me and paul stayed up talking online until i was reborn at 1:02am. i saved the conversation... here it is:
infectedpostboy (11:39:23 PM): what are you doing up so late, young lady?
infectedpostboy (11:39:24 PM): lol
dumblondie8888 (11:39:58 PM): its my birthday tomorrow! i have to stay up till1:02 so i can be reborn hehe
infectedpostboy (11:40:45 PM): right..
infectedpostboy (11:40:50 PM): so you'll be 16?
dumblondie8888 (11:40:56 PM): no 18
dumblondie8888 (11:41:35 PM): oh!
dumblondie8888 (11:41:40 PM): i fotgot to tell you!
infectedpostboy (11:41:42 PM): liar liar, pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire
infectedpostboy (11:41:43 PM): ok
infectedpostboy (11:41:43 PM): what?
dumblondie8888 (11:41:54 PM): do you have a used red guitar pick?
infectedpostboy (11:42:11 PM): a used red guitar pick?
infectedpostboy (11:42:11 PM): why?
dumblondie8888 (11:42:39 PM): because i am IN LOVE with chealsea's necklace that she made for your guitar pick and so i want on made with a red one. but it has to be used you *:o0
infectedpostboy (11:43:33 PM): wow
infectedpostboy (11:43:38 PM): this is a fashion?
dumblondie8888 (11:43:44 PM): no
infectedpostboy (11:43:46 PM): getting guitar picks from guitar players and making them into jewlery?
dumblondie8888 (11:43:48 PM): i just like it a lot
infectedpostboy (11:43:48 PM): hmm
infectedpostboy (11:43:55 PM): i could make a futune
dumblondie8888 (11:44:01 PM): no
infectedpostboy (11:44:02 PM): hehe...
infectedpostboy (11:44:06 PM): no payment?
infectedpostboy (11:44:08 PM): oh alright
infectedpostboy (11:44:11 PM): yes i happen to have a red one
dumblondie8888 (11:44:14 PM): it because you love me my friend. for love
dumblondie8888 (11:44:16 PM): haha
dumblondie8888 (11:44:18 PM): YOU DO!
dumblondie8888 (11:44:19 PM): ?
infectedpostboy (11:44:24 PM): yes
dumblondie8888 (11:44:32 PM): AND IS IT KINDA BROKEN LIKE CHEALSEAS?
dumblondie8888 (11:45:32 PM): may i have it when you are thru?
infectedpostboy (11:46:07 PM): kinda broken...well..i know, i'll use it ALL day tomorrow. by that time it'll be fucked over so much..but still useable for a necklace...ok?
dumblondie8888 (11:46:17 PM): yay!
dumblondie8888 (11:46:37 PM): baah im so tired
infectedpostboy (11:46:43 PM): why?
dumblondie8888 (11:46:50 PM): i have to stay awake though!
dumblondie8888 (11:46:53 PM): i dont know
dumblondie8888 (11:47:02 PM): because im literally laying in my bed
dumblondie8888 (11:47:09 PM): because i have a LAP TOP!
dumblondie8888 (11:47:11 PM): WOOO
infectedpostboy (11:47:56 PM): hm
infectedpostboy (11:48:06 PM): so you could "literally" fall asleep on the computer
dumblondie8888 (11:48:25 PM): you must see it its beauuutteeeefullll
dumblondie8888 (11:48:28 PM): yes i could
infectedpostboy (11:49:40 PM): i c ic
infectedpostboy (11:49:42 PM): so.
dumblondie8888 (11:49:57 PM): so?
infectedpostboy (11:49:57 PM): what OTHER THAN FUCKING THEATER have you been doing lately?
dumblondie8888 (11:50:06 PM): ummmmmmmmmmmmm
infectedpostboy (11:50:15 PM): (obviously you can tell i'm not in the mood to talk about theater, so humor me)
dumblondie8888 (11:50:33 PM): why arnt you in the mood to talk about theatre?
infectedpostboy (11:51:28 PM): godammit
infectedpostboy (11:51:31 PM): that's all you can talk about right?
infectedpostboy (11:51:36 PM): IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR WORLD?
infectedpostboy (11:51:51 PM): LIVE A LITTLE
infectedpostboy (11:51:51 PM): GO OUT
dumblondie8888 (11:51:55 PM): not a whole lot...
infectedpostboy (11:51:59 PM): TO AN ICE SKATING RINK
infectedpostboy (11:52:00 PM): OR TO A MOVIE
infectedpostboy (11:52:07 PM): OR TO SOMETHING NOT RELATED TO THEATRE
dumblondie8888 (11:52:09 PM): i suran wraped james's car with hillman
infectedpostboy (11:52:11 PM): ...ok?
infectedpostboy (11:52:20 PM): ONE THING!
dumblondie8888 (11:52:20 PM): lo, an ice skating rink
dumblondie8888 (11:52:22 PM): haha
infectedpostboy (11:52:27 PM): holy shit.
dumblondie8888 (11:52:28 PM): im going bowling tomorrow
dumblondie8888 (11:52:42 PM): went to chilies tonight with a bunch of people
dumblondie8888 (11:53:02 PM): went to margrets and olive arden on monday night
dumblondie8888 (11:53:06 PM): suzan was there
infectedpostboy (11:53:07 PM): mental breakdown
dumblondie8888 (11:53:11 PM): you?
Auto Response From infectedpostboy (11:53:12 PM): sometimes people use up too much of their life on one thing, and everything else, and everyONE else fades away (hint the hint hint...)
dumblondie8888 (11:53:32 PM): fuck you *:o)
dumblondie8888 (11:54:03 PM): 8 mn till my birthDAY
dumblondie8888 (11:54:05 PM): wooo
dumblondie8888 (11:54:46 PM): then an hour and 2 min after that i will be born and able to sleepnd you better keep me awake tll then!
infectedpostboy (11:54:58 PM): alrightie
infectedpostboy (11:55:04 PM): with shitOTHER than theatre
infectedpostboy (11:55:04 PM): um
infectedpostboy (11:55:08 PM): have you seen any good movies recently?
dumblondie8888 (11:55:20 PM): uhh yea dodge ball
dumblondie8888 (11:55:24 PM): pretty funny
dumblondie8888 (11:55:33 PM): oh and along came polly
infectedpostboy (11:55:41 PM): along came polly.
infectedpostboy (11:55:45 PM): is a really old movie
dumblondie8888 (11:55:46 PM): uhhu
infectedpostboy (11:55:51 PM): you've been in the theatre a long time it seems
dumblondie8888 (11:55:52 PM): net flix man!
infectedpostboy (11:56:02 PM): net flix?
dumblondie8888 (11:56:13 PM): hey dodge ball is rfecent!
dumblondie8888 (11:56:43 PM): and hey i havent been onstage since les miz! can you believe that?1
dumblondie8888 (11:56:51 PM): thats like MONTHS!
infectedpostboy (11:58:12 PM): months.
infectedpostboy (11:58:14 PM): on stage
infectedpostboy (11:58:25 PM): but you're life is still ALL ABOUT theatre
infectedpostboy (11:58:29 PM): and you'll only 15
infectedpostboy (11:58:34 PM): you need to expand your horizons
dumblondie8888 (11:58:41 PM): hey almost 16!
dumblondie8888 (11:58:56 PM): ooo i tired alchhol!
infectedpostboy (11:59:02 PM): alcohol?
infectedpostboy (11:59:03 PM): um
infectedpostboy (11:59:25 PM): there's many different types, except if you went with straight rubbing alcohol, and then of course it wouldn't taste good
infectedpostboy (11:59:27 PM): so what type?
dumblondie8888 (11:59:42 PM): had a sip of my dads wine *blah** and some of my moms margerete which was ok...
dumblondie8888 (11:59:48 PM): lol
dumblondie8888 (11:59:56 PM): rubbing alcohol
dumblondie8888 (11:59:59 PM): funny.
infectedpostboy (12:00:00 AM): wine fucking rocks
dumblondie8888 (12:00:08 AM): i disliked it
infectedpostboy (12:00:16 AM): basically Rodine
dumblondie8888 (12:00:20 AM): it was red wine
infectedpostboy (12:00:22 AM): or Chardonney
infectedpostboy (12:00:23 AM): oh
infectedpostboy (12:00:26 AM): then nevermind
dumblondie8888 (12:00:39 AM): because you know so well
dumblondie8888 (12:01:36 AM): yawn im tired
dumblondie8888 (12:02:00 AM): the screen is too close to my face and too bright for my eyes.
infectedpostboy (12:02:30 AM): hold up
dumblondie8888 (12:02:38 AM): i feel ilke its giving me cancer...AHH
Auto Response From infectedpostboy (12:02:39 AM): i'm away dumbshit, that's what the away message sign means...
dumblondie8888 (12:02:46 AM): BLAHHHHHHH
infectedpostboy (12:02:48 AM): wait, read my dj
dumblondie8888 (12:03:00 AM): i already did
Auto Response From infectedpostboy (12:03:01 AM): i'm away dumbshit, that's what the away message sign means...
dumblondie8888 (12:03:20 AM): unless youve updated it withing the last 10 min
dumblondie8888 (12:03:31 AM):
infectedpostboy (12:04:01 AM): i have, now will you let me take ashit!
dumblondie8888 (12:04:10 AM): NO
Auto Response From infectedpostboy (12:04:11 AM): i'm away dumbshit, that's what the away message sign means...
dumblondie8888 (12:05:32 AM): that was a beautiful entry paul
dumblondie8888 (12:05:36 AM): just beautiful
dumblondie8888 (12:05:40 AM): *:o)
dumblondie8888 (12:06:02 AM): does it make you mad that that didnt hurt me in anyway at all?
dumblondie8888 (12:06:13 AM): i know. its ture.
dumblondie8888 (12:06:57 AM): but yea. i dont know how that was supposed to hurt me
dumblondie8888 (12:07:05 AM): sorry!
dumblondie8888 (12:07:08 AM): ta-daa
dumblondie8888 (12:07:16 AM): here just for you::
dumblondie8888 (12:07:28 AM): fuck you :-(
dumblondie8888 (12:07:30 AM): better?
dumblondie8888 (12:07:33 AM): tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
dumblondie8888 (12:07:57 AM): but seariously i feel like the brightness of this damn clear screen is eating thru my eyes
dumblondie8888 (12:08:15 AM): if im blind when school comes around again, youll know why
infectedpostboy (12:08:23 AM): you do care
infectedpostboy (12:08:29 AM): because of what you're saying
infectedpostboy (12:08:33 AM): i know you too well courtney
infectedpostboy (12:08:39 AM): and i was being honest
dumblondie8888 (12:08:50 AM): no you dont paul
infectedpostboy (12:08:58 AM): alright then, i don't.
dumblondie8888 (12:08:59 AM): you just think you know me well
infectedpostboy (12:09:06 AM): alright then.
dumblondie8888 (12:09:08 AM): like seariously
infectedpostboy (12:09:25 AM): but let me guess
dumblondie8888 (12:09:39 AM): it doesnt hurt me that you say "god she doesnt care about anything but theatre!" i know duh. i know myself and i dont lie to myself
infectedpostboy (12:09:47 AM): the only people that really know you are the people that you perform with. they see the inside you.
dumblondie8888 (12:09:56 AM): nope
dumblondie8888 (12:10:12 AM): they only know me for a couple of months then i never see them again
infectedpostboy (12:10:17 AM): well, then get a car, and leave.
infectedpostboy (12:10:18 AM): bye courntey
dumblondie8888 (12:10:27 AM): and they are too old for me to really sharewith anyways
dumblondie8888 (12:10:37 AM): no you have to stay up wihme
infectedpostboy (12:10:52 AM): why
dumblondie8888 (12:10:57 AM): AHHH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
infectedpostboy (12:11:14 AM): ok,
dumblondie8888 (12:11:14 AM): because i stilll have 50 min till im born
dumblondie8888 (12:11:38 AM): please?
dumblondie8888 (12:11:56 AM): did your cousin have her baby?
infectedpostboy (12:17:39 AM): *** This user has signed off and is no longer online ***
infectedpostboy (12:18:31 AM): *** This user has signed on and is now online ***
dumblondie8888 (12:18:39 AM): did she have te baby?
infectedpostboy (12:19:09 AM): holy...
infectedpostboy (12:19:11 AM): ok
infectedpostboy (12:19:13 AM): courtney
infectedpostboy (12:19:17 AM): yes
dumblondie8888 (12:19:18 AM): WHAT!?
dumblondie8888 (12:19:20 AM): oh
dumblondie8888 (12:19:23 AM): when
dumblondie8888 (12:19:25 AM): what day
infectedpostboy (12:19:33 AM): but look, i am ACTUALLY angry at you
infectedpostboy (12:19:34 AM): ok?
dumblondie8888 (12:20:09 AM): why?
infectedpostboy (12:20:25 AM): because, you and me are focused on different things
infectedpostboy (12:20:33 AM): and they influence our opinions in different ways
infectedpostboy (12:20:40 AM): and i find myself disagreeing with you more than agreeing
dumblondie8888 (12:20:54 AM): and so it becomes my fauland you become angery? that makes zero sense
infectedpostboy (12:21:17 AM): what. who the hell ever said it was your fault?
dumblondie8888 (12:21:40 AM): well you said you were angery at me
dumblondie8888 (12:21:45 AM): making it my fault
dumblondie8888 (12:22:05 AM): although i am still not clear as to what you are so angery at
infectedpostboy (12:22:21 AM): YOU NEVER SHOW ANY EMOTION AT ALL!
infectedpostboy (12:22:23 AM): NONE
infectedpostboy (12:22:24 AM): WHATSOEVER
infectedpostboy (12:22:26 AM): NONE
infectedpostboy (12:22:26 AM): NADA
infectedpostboy (12:22:29 AM): ZILCH
infectedpostboy (12:22:30 AM): ZERO
infectedpostboy (12:22:51 AM): MAYBE THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE AN ACTRESS,
infectedpostboy (12:22:54 AM): BUT I'M NOT A FUCKING ACTOR
infectedpostboy (12:22:56 AM): THIS IS REAL FUCKING LIFE
dumblondie8888 (12:22:59 AM): wellits a bit hard . there are only like 9 expressive fqaces online. they never make ones that express me
infectedpostboy (12:23:05 AM): ...
dumblondie8888 (12:23:21 AM): sorry
dumblondie8888 (12:23:31 AM): we only talk online latley!
dumblondie8888 (12:23:59 AM): its pretty close to impossible to have truthfully deep converations online
Auto Response From infectedpostboy (12:24:00 AM): glowering
dumblondie8888 (12:24:09 AM): glowing?
dumblondie8888 (12:24:13 AM): hm
infectedpostboy (12:24:18 AM): sorry
infectedpostboy (12:24:23 AM): i had to hit something
dumblondie8888 (12:24:24 AM): or did you mean growling
dumblondie8888 (12:24:42 AM): what do you want me to say
dumblondie8888 (12:24:48 AM): im not upset at you!
infectedpostboy (12:25:01 AM): growling: showing a brooding ill humor
infectedpostboy (12:25:07 AM): glowering*
dumblondie8888 (12:25:15 AM): kk whatever
infectedpostboy (12:25:23 AM): i know your not
dumblondie8888 (12:25:32 AM): so what do you want me to do?
infectedpostboy (12:25:32 AM): but..
dumblondie8888 (12:25:38 AM): be angry!?
infectedpostboy (12:25:39 AM): FUCK
infectedpostboy (12:25:46 AM): it's not you
infectedpostboy (12:25:48 AM): it's never you
infectedpostboy (12:25:50 AM): it's always me
infectedpostboy (12:25:52 AM): and i'm being honset
infectedpostboy (12:26:00 AM): but i hate to admit to myself that it's me
infectedpostboy (12:26:04 AM): so i blame it on you
infectedpostboy (12:26:08 AM): but it's always been you
dumblondie8888 (12:26:14 AM): WHAT
infectedpostboy (12:26:29 AM): forget it
dumblondie8888 (12:26:39 AM): there you go with your words that should be in a soap opra oor somthing...
infectedpostboy (12:26:42 AM): let's talk about theatre, shall we?
dumblondie8888 (12:26:45 AM): no
infectedpostboy (12:27:27 AM): then what?
dumblondie8888 (12:27:31 AM): do you ever fall asleep listing to somthing?
infectedpostboy (12:27:35 AM): yes
infectedpostboy (12:27:38 AM): all the time
infectedpostboy (12:27:41 AM): every night
dumblondie8888 (12:27:56 AM): whats your favorite sound to fall asleep to?
infectedpostboy (12:29:26 AM): "the shooting star that destroyed us all" by the A Static Lullaby
infectedpostboy (12:29:29 AM): and yours?
dumblondie8888 (12:30:17 AM): i listen to music, but i dont fall asleep because im listening to it, and a cd isnt long enough to fall asleep to, so i like to open my windom and listen to the crickets
dumblondie8888 (12:30:26 AM): and the cas on mission blv.
dumblondie8888 (12:30:32 AM): *cars
infectedpostboy (12:30:54 AM): i push repeat on my cd player
dumblondie8888 (12:32:02 AM): but then im listening to it and stuff. and then i cant think. im just thinking about the music and listening to the words. i like to fall asleep thinkingabout wha t im going to do tomorrow. next week. next month. and so yea
dumblondie8888 (12:33:38 AM): do you get homework in summer school?
infectedpostboy (12:34:19 AM): no
infectedpostboy (12:34:22 AM): none at all
dumblondie8888 (12:34:25 AM): oh
infectedpostboy (12:37:53 AM): yeah
infectedpostboy (12:38:00 AM): you should listen to a static lullaby
infectedpostboy (12:38:03 AM): just that one song
dumblondie8888 (12:38:04 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (12:38:21 AM): the one you just posted in your dj/
dumblondie8888 (12:39:09 AM): im debating weather or not i should dl kazaa onto my computer..i dont want to get it messed my, but iwant to dl and burn cds
dumblondie8888 (12:39:13 AM): rar
dumblondie8888 (12:40:05 AM): 23c more min...............
dumblondie8888 (12:40:10 AM): 22...
infectedpostboy (12:40:39 AM): yes
infectedpostboy (12:40:40 AM): that one
infectedpostboy (12:40:47 AM): (the song i posted)
dumblondie8888 (12:40:52 AM): yup
dumblondie8888 (12:41:08 AM): why did you post it?
infectedpostboy (12:42:18 AM): whenever i post a song..
infectedpostboy (12:42:26 AM): it's because it's the one that relates to me the most right now
dumblondie8888 (12:43:31 AM): ok
infectedpostboy (12:44:43 AM): i wrote a poem
infectedpostboy (12:44:45 AM): it's in my profile
dumblondie8888 (12:44:48 AM): k
infectedpostboy (12:44:51 AM): it'll be there until i am cured
dumblondie8888 (12:45:47 AM): till youre cured eh?
infectedpostboy (12:45:54 AM): yeah
dumblondie8888 (12:46:08 AM): hm
dumblondie8888 (12:46:14 AM): im tired
infectedpostboy (12:46:15 AM): hm
infectedpostboy (12:46:21 AM): when are you 16?
infectedpostboy (12:46:25 AM): 12: what?
dumblondie8888 (12:46:29 AM): at 1:02
infectedpostboy (12:46:33 AM): oh
infectedpostboy (12:46:37 AM): what time is?
infectedpostboy (12:46:40 AM): is it?
dumblondie8888 (12:46:44 AM): but its my birthDAYalready
infectedpostboy (12:46:53 AM): WOO-HOO!
infectedpostboy (12:46:53 AM): but
infectedpostboy (12:46:54 AM): um
dumblondie8888 (12:46:55 AM): its like 12:46
infectedpostboy (12:47:02 AM): exactly?
dumblondie8888 (12:47:04 AM): um what?
dumblondie8888 (12:47:10 AM): well now 47
infectedpostboy (12:47:18 AM): it's 12:42 on mine
dumblondie8888 (12:47:22 AM): oh
infectedpostboy (12:47:25 AM): so you say happy b-day first
infectedpostboy (12:47:28 AM): and then i'll say it
infectedpostboy (12:47:33 AM): you got ten minutes
dumblondie8888 (12:47:39 AM): to myzself?
infectedpostboy (12:47:43 AM): yes
infectedpostboy (12:47:44 AM): no
infectedpostboy (12:47:49 AM): i'll still be here
infectedpostboy (12:47:58 AM): i plan to say happy birthday to you
dumblondie8888 (12:48:04 AM): ooh and my clockclock that isnt my computer clock says its 12:49
infectedpostboy (12:48:29 AM): hm
infectedpostboy (12:48:35 AM): 43 over here
dumblondie8888 (12:48:37 AM): now it says 12:50
dumblondie8888 (12:48:55 AM): and my computer clock says 12:48
dumblondie8888 (12:49:21 AM): o now it says 12:49
infectedpostboy (12:49:30 AM): 44
dumblondie8888 (12:49:38 AM): and my clock clock says 12:51
dumblondie8888 (12:49:51 AM): haha this is fun!
dumblondie8888 (12:50:42 AM): clock clock says 52
infectedpostboy (12:50:46 AM): 46
dumblondie8888 (12:50:51 AM): computer says 50
infectedpostboy (12:50:53 AM): i'm slow
infectedpostboy (12:50:55 AM): hehe...
dumblondie8888 (12:50:57 AM): yea
dumblondie8888 (12:51:12 AM): comp says 51
infectedpostboy (12:51:56 AM): 47
infectedpostboy (12:52:02 AM): this is a countdown
infectedpostboy (12:52:07 AM): to courntey's 16th
infectedpostboy (12:52:13 AM): B-minute
dumblondie8888 (12:52:27 AM): hehe
infectedpostboy (12:52:56 AM): this is too funny
infectedpostboy (12:53:09 AM): i'm sitting here, doing absolutely nothing, while staring at my clock
infectedpostboy (12:53:12 AM): hehe...i feel so stuipd
dumblondie8888 (12:53:13 AM): itis..
infectedpostboy (12:53:16 AM): but i'm happy
dumblondie8888 (12:53:16 AM): me too
infectedpostboy (12:53:17 AM): so i'm cool
dumblondie8888 (12:53:18 AM): haha
dumblondie8888 (12:53:39 AM): ok clock clock says 55 andcomputer says 53
dumblondie8888 (12:53:46 AM): i want to name my clocks
infectedpostboy (12:53:59 AM): alrightie
dumblondie8888 (12:54:01 AM): instead of clockclock and computer clock
infectedpostboy (12:54:03 AM): what's their names
dumblondie8888 (12:54:07 AM): umm
dumblondie8888 (12:54:16 AM): oh computer says 54!
dumblondie8888 (12:54:18 AM): uhh
dumblondie8888 (12:54:24 AM): what should i name tham?!
dumblondie8888 (12:54:33 AM): clock clock says 56!
infectedpostboy (12:54:37 AM): 50.
infectedpostboy (12:54:39 AM): um
infectedpostboy (12:54:42 AM): you should name them..
dumblondie8888 (12:54:52 AM): HENERY!
infectedpostboy (12:54:53 AM): clockclock should be Diddle
infectedpostboy (12:54:56 AM): ...
infectedpostboy (12:55:02 AM): Henry.
dumblondie8888 (12:55:03 AM): DIDDLE?
dumblondie8888 (12:55:06 AM): HAHA
infectedpostboy (12:55:06 AM): yes
infectedpostboy (12:55:08 AM): Diddle
dumblondie8888 (12:55:12 AM): ok!
dumblondie8888 (12:55:16 AM): diddle is 56
infectedpostboy (12:55:19 AM): and computer clock is Henry
dumblondie8888 (12:55:23 AM): ok
infectedpostboy (12:55:24 AM): with a capital H
dumblondie8888 (12:55:27 AM): henery is 55
infectedpostboy (12:55:30 AM): !
infectedpostboy (12:55:35 AM): WHERE'S THE CAPITAL H!
dumblondie8888 (12:55:35 AM): diddle is 57!
dumblondie8888 (12:55:40 AM): Henery!!!
infectedpostboy (12:55:45 AM): good
dumblondie8888 (12:55:51 AM): dude im hella labeling diddle
infectedpostboy (12:56:02 AM): so Henery is 55, Diddle 57 and...Chuck is 51
infectedpostboy (12:56:04 AM): poor Chuck
dumblondie8888 (12:56:20 AM): lol
dumblondie8888 (12:56:22 AM): chuck
dumblondie8888 (12:56:27 AM): that makes me happy
dumblondie8888 (12:56:33 AM): diddle is 58!
dumblondie8888 (12:56:39 AM): Henery is still 56
infectedpostboy (12:56:51 AM): !
dumblondie8888 (12:57:06 AM): does diddle have a capital D?
infectedpostboy (12:57:11 AM): no
infectedpostboy (12:57:14 AM): neither does chuck
dumblondie8888 (12:57:14 AM): henery is 57
infectedpostboy (12:57:16 AM): but Henery does
infectedpostboy (12:57:19 AM): !
dumblondie8888 (12:57:19 AM): lol
dumblondie8888 (12:57:49 AM): diddle is 59!
infectedpostboy (12:57:59 AM): !!!
infectedpostboy (12:58:05 AM): chuck is 53
infectedpostboy (12:58:12 AM): Henery is 57?
dumblondie8888 (12:58:15 AM): woah. poor chuck..
dumblondie8888 (12:58:24 AM): henery is 58!
infectedpostboy (12:58:26 AM): !
dumblondie8888 (12:58:29 AM): 1:00!
infectedpostboy (12:58:32 AM): !!!!!!!
dumblondie8888 (12:58:34 AM): I SAW IT CHANGE TOO1
infectedpostboy (12:58:36 AM): two minutes for diddle
dumblondie8888 (12:58:38 AM): WOOOOOOOO
infectedpostboy (12:58:38 AM): hehehehe
dumblondie8888 (12:58:59 AM): AND diddle is labeled with a floresent green note card!
dumblondie8888 (12:59:06 AM): and blue crayola marker!
infectedpostboy (12:59:15 AM): alright!
infectedpostboy (12:59:40 AM): well???
infectedpostboy (12:59:43 AM): 55.
dumblondie8888 (1:00:00 AM): 101
dumblondie8888 (1:00:06 AM): AND 100!
dumblondie8888 (1:00:13 AM): hENERYIS AT 1:00!
infectedpostboy (1:00:22 AM): yeas!
dumblondie8888 (1:00:23 AM): HOW DID HE CATCH UP?!
infectedpostboy (1:00:29 AM): beats me
dumblondie8888 (1:00:30 AM): oop nthere goes diddle
dumblondie8888 (1:00:42 AM): 102
infectedpostboy (1:00:57 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!!
dumblondie8888 (1:01:01 AM): OH YEA!
dumblondie8888 (1:01:03 AM): AHHHH
dumblondie8888 (1:01:05 AM): HAHAHAHA
dumblondie8888 (1:01:14 AM): i was still stuck in counting mode!
dumblondie8888 (1:01:15 AM): haha
dumblondie8888 (1:01:19 AM): Henery is at 101
infectedpostboy (1:01:32 AM): 56
infectedpostboy (1:01:34 AM): poor chuck
dumblondie8888 (1:01:37 AM): i forgot that we would eventually get to the time we were waiting for
dumblondie8888 (1:01:38 AM): hehe
dumblondie8888 (1:01:49 AM): chuck isnt even at 1 yet!
dumblondie8888 (1:02:02 AM): coommoon Henery@
dumblondie8888 (1:02:04 AM): 102!
dumblondie8888 (1:02:06 AM): WOOOO
dumblondie8888 (1:02:12 AM): I WAS BORN AGIAN!
infectedpostboy (1:02:14 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!!
dumblondie8888 (1:02:17 AM): YAAY
dumblondie8888 (1:02:19 AM): thanks!
infectedpostboy (1:02:24 AM): welcome
infectedpostboy (1:02:26 AM): no for chuck
infectedpostboy (1:02:28 AM): 57
dumblondie8888 (1:02:29 AM): ok now we must wait for chuck!
dumblondie8888 (1:02:32 AM): poor chuck
infectedpostboy (1:02:32 AM): five minutes
dumblondie8888 (1:02:35 AM): ok...
infectedpostboy (1:02:40 AM): poor poor chuck
dumblondie8888 (1:02:45 AM): omg i cant believe i stayed up this late!
dumblondie8888 (1:03:09 AM): it seems like it only been 2 mn since i was like ahh its 12 im tire d i cant stay up any more
dumblondie8888 (1:03:23 AM): diddleis at 104
dumblondie8888 (1:03:28 AM): Henery is 103
infectedpostboy (1:03:29 AM): 58
infectedpostboy (1:03:32 AM): four minues
dumblondie8888 (1:03:34 AM): oop diddle is 105
infectedpostboy (1:03:36 AM): POOR chuck
infectedpostboy (1:03:38 AM): 105
infectedpostboy (1:03:41 AM): sheesh
dumblondie8888 (1:03:47 AM): chuck .....
infectedpostboy (1:03:56 AM): didn't your mother ever tell you not to stay up late?
infectedpostboy (1:03:56 AM): lol
infectedpostboy (1:04:03 AM): 12:59...
dumblondie8888 (1:04:05 AM): chuck is digital right?
dumblondie8888 (1:04:11 AM): 5999!!!wooo
dumblondie8888 (1:04:14 AM): GO CHUCK GO!
infectedpostboy (1:04:21 AM): ahahahah
dumblondie8888 (1:04:39 AM): woo diddle is at 106 now
dumblondie8888 (1:04:44 AM): 16
infectedpostboy (1:04:51 AM): that's for earlier
dumblondie8888 (1:04:53 AM): DID CHUCK MAKE IT?!
infectedpostboy (1:04:54 AM): it's at 1:00
dumblondie8888 (1:04:56 AM): oh
infectedpostboy (1:04:57 AM): no
dumblondie8888 (1:04:59 AM): awe
infectedpostboy (1:05:01 AM): just checkin' that you were ready
dumblondie8888 (1:05:01 AM): poor chuck
infectedpostboy (1:05:03 AM): hehe
dumblondie8888 (1:05:03 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (1:05:05 AM): hehe
dumblondie8888 (1:05:21 AM): diddle will be 107in a sec
dumblondie8888 (1:05:30 AM): there it goes
dumblondie8888 (1:05:35 AM): diddle is an it
dumblondie8888 (1:05:38 AM): not a he
infectedpostboy (1:05:39 AM): 1:01!!!!!!!!!!!
dumblondie8888 (1:05:40 AM): not a she
dumblondie8888 (1:05:41 AM): and it
dumblondie8888 (1:05:43 AM): WOOO
dumblondie8888 (1:05:46 AM): COME ON CHUCK!
dumblondie8888 (1:05:59 AM): hey call popcorn and see what time it actually is..
dumblondie8888 (1:06:00 AM): please?
infectedpostboy (1:06:35 AM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
infectedpostboy (1:06:39 AM): 1:02!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
infectedpostboy (1:06:45 AM): ok
infectedpostboy (1:06:46 AM): popcorn time
dumblondie8888 (1:06:48 AM): YAY CHUCK!
dumblondie8888 (1:06:49 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (1:06:59 AM): watch we still have like another hal f hour
dumblondie8888 (1:06:59 AM): haha
infectedpostboy (1:07:18 AM): This is a reminder that today is itsthehysleepia's birthday (DeadJournal user: itsthehysleepia). You have itsthehysleepia listed as one of your friends, so you better go wish that person a happy birthday (or you might get yanked from their friends list.. :-)
infectedpostboy (1:07:23 AM): AAAHAHAHAH
dumblondie8888 (1:07:35 AM): hahahay
infectedpostboy (1:07:36 AM): HAPPY BIRHTDAY ITSTHEHYSLEEPIA!
dumblondie8888 (1:07:37 AM): yaaayyy
dumblondie8888 (1:07:41 AM): thanks!
infectedpostboy (1:07:43 AM): hold up, calling
dumblondie8888 (1:07:46 AM): kk
infectedpostboy (1:08:18 AM): what are the actual numbers for popcorn?
infectedpostboy (1:08:22 AM): wait
infectedpostboy (1:08:24 AM): ic an look
dumblondie8888 (1:08:24 AM): ummmmmmmmmmmm
dumblondie8888 (1:08:26 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (1:08:27 AM): hehe
infectedpostboy (1:09:01 AM): 7672676
infectedpostboy (1:09:03 AM): hs
infectedpostboy (1:09:05 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (1:09:05 AM): hey so is your cell phone disconnected? cuz i called it the other day and it said that is was no longer in service
infectedpostboy (1:09:09 AM): here we go
dumblondie8888 (1:09:14 AM): kl
infectedpostboy (1:10:08 AM): 1:09 and fifty seconds
infectedpostboy (1:10:09 AM): darn it
dumblondie8888 (1:10:15 AM): lol
dumblondie8888 (1:10:22 AM): GO HENERY!
dumblondie8888 (1:10:29 AM): hes the closest to the real time!
infectedpostboy (1:10:30 AM): yeah
dumblondie8888 (1:10:34 AM): hehe
dumblondie8888 (1:10:35 AM): omg
dumblondie8888 (1:10:41 AM): sooo incredibly sad
infectedpostboy (1:10:41 AM): no!
dumblondie8888 (1:10:46 AM): like....really
infectedpostboy (1:10:47 AM): it was DIDDLE!
dumblondie8888 (1:10:52 AM): no
infectedpostboy (1:10:54 AM): yeah
infectedpostboy (1:10:58 AM): look back in the convo
dumblondie8888 (1:11:08 AM): cuz right noiw diddle says 1:12 and henery says 1:11
infectedpostboy (1:11:17 AM): so diddle's ahead
infectedpostboy (1:11:19 AM): get it?
dumblondie8888 (1:11:22 AM): ?
dumblondie8888 (1:11:24 AM): oh yea
infectedpostboy (1:11:29 AM): SHEESH
infectedpostboy (1:11:33 AM): HUGE blonde moment there
dumblondie8888 (1:11:34 AM): but henery is closest to the realtime
infectedpostboy (1:11:40 AM): true
infectedpostboy (1:11:41 AM): oh shit
infectedpostboy (1:11:42 AM): ok
dumblondie8888 (1:11:44 AM): haha
infectedpostboy (1:11:45 AM): what's sad
dumblondie8888 (1:11:46 AM): sucka
dumblondie8888 (1:11:55 AM): its sad that me sat here fo what
dumblondie8888 (1:11:59 AM): almost 20 min
dumblondie8888 (1:12:02 AM): counting down
infectedpostboy (1:12:12 AM): that's not sad
dumblondie8888 (1:12:12 AM): fun! but sad...........
infectedpostboy (1:12:14 AM): you're sixteen
dumblondie8888 (1:12:18 AM): AND IM 16! WOOO
infectedpostboy (1:12:19 AM): legally old enough to drive
dumblondie8888 (1:12:23 AM): yup
infectedpostboy (1:12:25 AM): that's good
infectedpostboy (1:12:26 AM): that's great
dumblondie8888 (1:12:32 AM): im getting my permmit on tueaday
dumblondie8888 (1:12:52 AM): time to sleep, althought i kinda dont want to now buuuuuuuuut
infectedpostboy (1:13:00 AM): go to sleep
dumblondie8888 (1:13:01 AM): hm
infectedpostboy (1:13:02 AM): so you can get up
infectedpostboy (1:13:06 AM): at like...11 instead of 12
infectedpostboy (1:13:07 AM): ok?
infectedpostboy (1:13:08 AM): hehe
dumblondie8888 (1:13:10 AM): o yea, sleepover tomorrow
infectedpostboy (1:13:12 AM): goodnight courtney
dumblondie8888 (1:13:19 AM): are you going to bed too?
infectedpostboy (1:13:22 AM): yeah
infectedpostboy (1:13:36 AM): but i have to check my site for answers so i'll be another five minutes
infectedpostboy (1:13:37 AM): so goodnight
dumblondie8888 (1:13:39 AM): remember that one day where we talked online likeALL day and then on the phone that night too till like forever
infectedpostboy (1:13:43 AM): yeah
infectedpostboy (1:13:45 AM): i remember
dumblondie8888 (1:13:46 AM): hahaha
dumblondie8888 (1:13:50 AM): that was silly
dumblondie8888 (1:14:08 AM): ok well good night
infectedpostboy (1:14:22 AM): goodnight

oh how we've changed... and stayed the same.

tomorrow i have to get up earlier than normal because i have to take my car in because the breaks or something are being gimpy...*:o( and then i go to summer school (its the ONLY friday that we have school... of coarse its my birthday too.. ive never had school on my birthday before. this will be weird..) and then i have publicity photos for anything goes at 2 and that will probably go for a few hours and then i hopefully will have a chance to get a bite to eat before i have to start getting ready for into the woods at at the theatre at 6 .. do the show THEN party at my house! so it will me a looong very filled day but hopefully it will turn out good in the end. well, i guess i'll go to bed now since paul isnt online to count down my birth with me.
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