Jan 24, 2006 06:27
My Movie collection consists of:
Runaway Bride
Notting Hill
Boys and Girls
Chaising Amy
Fools Rush In
How to Love a Guy in 10 days
13 Going on 30
Mona Lisa Smile
40 Days and 40 Nights
I'm beginning to think i have a problem, haha...nah. They make me appreciate what i have ..in a way.
What a comeback, I dont make and entry for months and then I make such a dissapointment as an entry concerning Chick Flicks.
I dont know what else to talk about really, I took the voluntary week Lay Off from work and I find myself bored out of my mind. I watched 3 chick flicks today and I needed a brief break...just a brief one.
Hmm...I dont have any new updates in mind...I'm still madly and head over heels in love with Dustin and I cant wait for him to get here...he's only been gone a few hours. Pathetic I know but, If you've been or are there...you understand.
Well, My brief intermission comes to an end....Stay Tuned.