May 12, 2005 23:45
You know, I was kicking back after making my calls to the Horsemen and settled in for a night of movies...and that's when a Druid came into the home theater area of the complex. Apparently there was an alarm with something that came down the HWA pipeline that concerned me. Also dealt with Deadman as some delusional tag team called the Partners In Crime thinking that dressing up like Deadman and myself would lend some sort of credibility to the insanity they claim.
Why would anyone care about some pathetic tag team and how in the world would a tag team gain power by winning the belts? If that was true, then the whiny goth and his partner would hold some power over me, but he has as much power as Ronnie does now. It's nice that the new team pays attention to some of the speech patterns, but adding the absurd with that voice changer.
Face it you two, you are nothing in the grand scheme of things. Kurt Chavez rates higher than you two would as you are new to HWA as you put it so succinctly. You missed the train of deposing the power hungry madman that caused HWA to spiral downward into decay. That was when I took on Ronnie McNeil to see who would keep their position. You might have hoped the nefarious Ronnie McNeil would've stayed in power and continued to corrupt the soul and honor of HWA, but this federation is slowly healing from his cancerous touch.
Just remember when you beat Baker and his partner, nothing will change because nobody gives a rats ass about that tag title. How do I know? I had those belts with a freakin' sock puppet. It's nothing. You want people to notice you, take your dog and pony show to the larger stage of the NWA. Titles are there to be won, accolades to be gathered, and notoriety to be attached to your name for eternity. No matter what heinous shit Ronnie pulled to get Baker the win on me to take my Heritage Title, they can't ever take away the fact that I am the very first William Muldoon Heritage Champion. The culimination of my masters training was that title as he hammered all of the lessons home in a way that it unlocked something deep inside and gave me what I needed to destroy members of Team NWA. It has been the same ever since I left for Japan for Lord of the Rings and my match against NBK of SCCW. It shall be the same result as I leave for Michigan and my battle with Jason Stallion for the GLWA Heavyweight Title. All you Thanny fans out there should get in line as soon as tickets go on sale.
There's some news to relay as of late in regard to my choice was eliminated because of personal reasons. I know the Horned One had something to do with this as he would love to mess with the divine justice waiting to be served to Team NWA. I can't do anything but wish him the best of luck and I hope his life gets straightened out in the near future. As a result of that, a notice has gone out to the next in line as the Archangel knew meddling would probably come into play from the infernal we'll see how he reacts to it.
I realize that there has been no point in the history of my Horsemen moving into this place where the camera spied the interior of my room where I type these entries...but the view for me is spectacular most days. Today is an exception. The growing darkness I mentioned about a month ago seems to deepen to my eyes as I peered out while making those calls...but when I called Defender in, he couldn't see what I did. It only serves as a reminder for how accurate my visions can be when it comes to certain things. The end of my days amongst you draws closer and I still don't want to matter what training I have or my dedication to Chu. Duty and loyalty can be overridden by regret at leaving all of this, not knowing what is to come of these visions for sure. When Defender is seen again on television, that is the end and everything will be shut down as I go to my Elders. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown". I'm basically a King to my people because of my role in this ancient prophecy handed down through the ages, and my appearance hasn't made things easier for my people since nobody wants to live in the end times. Though I'm reminded of one passage in the book held in regard by those such as Deadman when it says that none shall know the hour of His return. That right there lets me know that there could be quite some time between the instant I'm in the vision and the end comes. There's some purpose to all of this and I don't know why He would dump something like that suddenly on the people. I'm not one to buck His grand I'll just do my job and be done with it.
That wraps it up from Horsemen Headquarters. The next time you see me, I'll be at Monday Night Glory laughing at the Partners in Crime.