Repost this!!!!
I'd like everyone to participate, as a social experiment. See how you feel after just ONE week, beginning this Wednesday.
Isn't there something wrong with the world when we wonder what's happening to fictional characters throughout the week? Isn't it wrong when a Sunday night cartoon on Fox is important in our life? Isn't it wrong when there are so many experiences to be had, but we just can't be bothered with real life because we're sitting zoned out in front of the tube? Isn't it wrong when we're away from our techno-universe and we begin to panic? The next generation won't even know the joy of building mud pies and creating cities of legos or playing telephone with a papercup and a string if we don't do something about it NOW. We let things slide, we procrastinate, we just sit there zombified in front of this little box, watching the little world within, while the real world and our real lives go ignored. TURN IT OFF FOR JUST ONE WEEK! And pass this on to your friends and definitely to your children! Get your coworkers and your classmates involved as well!!!
Go swimming, go camping, have lunch with an old friend or write a letter to your grandmother. Just LIVE and stop procrastinating, and remember the scent of flowers and what it's like to feel your toes in the summer lawn.