Jan 24, 2005 19:50
Do you ever think people expect to much of you? Or that jee I am only one friggin person! B/c latly that is all i feel like... I just started a new job last week at the Drift Away Cafe.. and I mean I thought it was pretty cool.. the people are really nice and everything... But this is only my second week and i havnt even finished my full training till tomorrow.. and they already have me on like full time.. I still want to have fun.. I am only a teenager... And I am having my weekends taken away from me.. I work a double all friggin weekend.. 10:30-close and sunday 9:30-close.. then tom and thrus 10:30-3:30 I am only one person.. I didnt get out of high school early to go straight into working hardcore.. I mean I have a life outside of work too.. I wanted to get out of high school early to take a break from everything.. before I have to go into the real world... i know i am complaining but it just seems like everything isnt right.. I miss Jacksonville so much!! and it just seems like i try to make up excuses to make myself seem happy but im not.. I miss all my friends.. i miss somewhat of my old life.. i dont miss the drama but i miss everything else.. It is like I have noone to relate to up here.. I just want to be young and enjoy it.. I dont want to rush my life.. Is that too much to ask? Also I want to find that one guy.. It is like I can never find that one guy.. You always here of people being happy.. but do you ever stop and think jee when is that going to happen to me? I dont know.. I have so much to do and ahead of me.. I have walking at graduation college and so much more.. But hey noone said life was easy,right? Wow i sound so i dont know.. not happy.. and this isnt me.. or is it? Am i that girl taht just smiles on the outside when on the inside i am crying inside? I dont know.. I am out.later days... =/