Sep 08, 2006 16:57
to the BITCH that called my house to try and talk shit at 5 am:
I didnt recognize your voice, but i know how you got my phone number. Only about 4 people have my house number. Jv, Travis, Josh, and Shanon. And i know for a fact the first three would never give it out.
Youre nothing but a fucking loser. Youre pathetic, thats why no one likes to be around you. thats why your "best friend" hates you. thats why youll die alone. You couldnt call my cell phone to harrass me because youre too fucking scared. So if feel the need to keep acting like a fucking child stop hiding like a little pussy and confront me about whatever the fuck your problem is. You, obviously, have my numbers. If you have nothing better to do than dwell on the past and KEEP talking about it then you really should kill yourself. get over it, seriously. its old and nobody but your stupid loserass even gives a fuck anymore.