Chemical 001: Video

May 22, 2011 20:49

As fascinating as this is...I don't understand how I wound up here.

[The feed had turned on to show a young woman in a white lab coat. Looking pretty irritable as well. Oh, wait she always looks like that.]

This bends all scientific laws and...where is that awful music coming from?

[Ema has been walking around for a bit and exploring the town a bit and she has to stay this music magically coming from out of no where was starting to grind on her nerves. Sure she was a music lover but this was a bit much.]

...and some of my forensic items are missing. I swear if someone took them I'm gonna...


Magnemite quit that. You're in my thinking space...well, speaking...but you're in my space!
[This pokemon seemed to enjoy hovering around her quite a lot, well if it just wasn't suspending itself in mid-air doing its own thing.

...well, more like ignoring her for no reason. That should remind her of a certain someone.]

!new bark town, ~video

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