Jan 28, 2008 23:45
The motorcycle accident victim lived!
I posted a round of comments on the local paper stating the need for a helmet law in Florida. NC has such a law, and it saves many lives each year. This man is an example of someone who would have been greatly helped by a helmet. Even a minor head injury can result in major long term problems. One of the most tragic accidents occured to a young boy who simply fell of a top bunk onto carpeted floor. He became one of the most violent residents of a long term care facility requiring round the clock attendants.
The human body does not respond well to asphalt, especailly when that asphalt makes contact at high rates of speed. A person wearing a helmet has a 69% better chance of avoiding injury, and 43% chance of life when wearing a helmet. From what I could see, this gentleman lost control and went straight down. The injuries could have been dramatically less severe had he worn a helmet. Ironically, his hand was in a leather glove. Why would someone take the time to cover their skin, and neglect to cover the more delicate tissue inside the cranium?