the importance of education

May 14, 2009 05:41

A well-written, moving article on the importance of education. The fact that I was able to read it and feel so touched is proof of how blessed I am to be educated. Even though I felt useless and overloaded at school sometimes, I can see now how I was planting seeds for a long time. This year after School has been an unfurling; I'm waking up and sinking my fingers into so many worlds of knowledge. I know I was not one of those wildflower types that could have bloomed anywhere--- it took so many years of school to foster a spark of curiosity and concern and not be content to simply coast through life. I hope to never feel like I know enough, and never, ever to regard myself an expert in anything.

I only take issue with this paragraph (emphasis added):

Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment.It wipes out all the wrong beliefs in our minds. It helps create aclear picture of everything around us and we no more remain inconfusion about the things we learn. Education brings up questions andalso devises ways to find satisfactory answers to them. Education isabout knowing that everything has a science to it, it is about learningto reason everything till every question meets its answer. Educationcan lead us to enlightenment. It is education that builds in everyindividual, a confidence to take decisions, to face life and to acceptsuccesses and failures. It instills a sense of pride about theknowledge one has and prepares him/her for life!

For me, education has been the opposite. It cleared away my arrogant assertion that I knew everything I needed to know about anything, and forced me to consider to grey areas of issues that I thought were simple. It took away the childlike notions of good versus evil, right versus wrong. If anything, I know how to ask more intelligent questions and accept that the answers will lead me down further paths. I revel in the very confusion of the things I learn. This is the sort of enlightenment I think education can offer.

Despite the sudden appearance of rabbit holes, I agree that education can provide confidence, if just from the satisfaction of unknowing. I am so deeply curious because there is so much I don't know and there's no point in feeling insecure about that. However, the more knowledge I accumulate, the better decisions I make. I am  confident that I am making the best decisions based on what I know now. I don't blame myself for the things I don't know, but I appreciate that my future self will be better prepared. I am okay with constantly changing and evolving, because my values will only grow stronger and more nuanced.

Schools and colleges define the basic framework of education. Schoolinggives us the fundamentals whereas we specialize in fields of ourinterest, during the degree courses. But education does not end here.It is a lifelong process. Self-learning begins at the point that marksthe end of institutional education. The process of self-learningcontinues...

I could not agree more. I can't wait to become an educator. Until then, there is a lot I can do without a license.

A quote from my mother to close: "Education is the one thing no one can ever take away from you."
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