July 27
The accidental destruction of something irreplacable.
Attrition - Torchwood, mostly Jack, spoilers for "Reset". Because apparently everyone in this fandom needs to write a "Reset" fic. Or something.
January 16
Write about a bed.
Red and Aubergine - Chess, Svetlana/Molokov, for no other reason than that I'm doing a pairings table and I hadn't started on it yet. And Svetlana/Molokov is one of the most random pairings on there. Hush, everyone in Chess is sleeping with everyone else.
January 29
The end of the day.
Between the Night and Dawn - Torchwood, Jack and Martha, spoilers for "Reset" and "Dead Man Walking". This was meant to be a short fic. It came out at 1200+ words because Jack and Martha wouldn't stop talking. Which, on the one hand, is nice. Problematic, however, when I'm supposed to be writing a ficathon story instead.