(no subject)

Oct 16, 2011 21:14

My days are blending together... is it Sunday? *Checks.* I guess so... Yesterday - I attempted to attend a house party with every intention of going to work the following morning (4am shift start). Well I did and subsequently received two hours of sleep. So I come home after the shift and clock the fuck out - now it's 8:47, dark and quiet and it feels like it should be Monday morning and I should be off to work (???) - but there's an apartment to clean and laundry to do. Switching to day sleeping always gets to me the first day, but retaining this schedule throughout the end of the month, I'll be able to attend Halloween parties/celebrations.

God I hate retail. I want out. I send out resumes, but yet no replies... bah.

So the boyfriend and I essentially made concrete plans to move to Orlando next summer - something needs to change - "I'm in the pursuit of happiness..." I have a local group of friends (all male) who have taken upon themselves to attack me emotionally as of late. It saddens me only because we all used to have so much fun together during our, may I say, wacky adventures... Anyways, this is all on the basis that apparently they do not approve of the way I represent myself on the web, but especially facebook/social networking. Weird that I was having anxiety about that recently, huh. But, I've gotten to the point now that I've excepted their bullying as a means of perhaps jealousy(?) - the wife and close friend to one of these guys lamented to me that "You have never done anything wrong"... to anyone, and I have only been the kind hearted Liz she knows me to be.
In the end, they don't matter - I've pretty much perpetuated that perhaps, in my world, they all disappeared off the face of the planet and I'll cherish the fun times we all shared just the same. I'm tired of drama. Not going to participate. Is human social interaction worth any of this drama. No.

PPS: Florida. Not so much wanting to live in a hot, humid, sea level state - but I crave a new adventure. Houses are hella cheap, my boyfriend has a shit load of money saved from his deployment that he intends on investing on a home. WE both can have our dream workshop, sewing room, entertainment patio, pets a plenty. I'm just so ready for him to get back to the states. Not only do I miss him, my heart aches - I want to start our life together. I want to START.
My ambitions have always been about progressing forward, using my time as efficiently as possible. I'm done with school, but working for Target. I do not feel as if I am the mast of my domain here. This isn't where I want to be. Physically, mentally.

Unsatisfied with my job, friends group - the only thing keeping me in Colorado is it's beauty, but who says I can't visit all the freaking time? Flying in/out of Orlando is super cheap. I want to explore the everglades... the keys. Life is an adventure. Life is an adventure.

Okay, done for now - more on all this later. My tone has appreciated itself into an almost argumentative tone. What the hell am I attempting to convince anyone of? Haha.


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