Feb 07, 2004 17:49
I wish they had a hot pink color thing on this but they dont and that sucks! Anywho last night was the best night ever next to that time Marisa and me hung out...but um i talked to Zeb..he sang an acoustic version of The Starting Line's Drama Summer ....he called and um i stayed up till 3 am talking to him i was so happy....it was great like some of it was a lil spooky but cute cause well....it was....just ask and ill tell.........::sighs:: i like him alot but my friends told me to like not get my hopes up and I wont but i still like him! I wanna go see his show in jacksonville but i dunno ill see though....anywho thank you tania for the talk earlier way earlier i really needed to hear something positive than "other alternatives that's right based on doctors" THANK YOU! I hope Paige called you and um hide and hide well from rudi. Brandon I may have been in a bad mood but im over it. I know you dont like to see me sad so ill smile cause it's good! lalalalalalalalalalalala< that's me thinkin. Marisa I miss you!!! i wanna hang out like man i shoulda asked you if you wanted to go to church oh well next week is coming fast!!!! Ive been fasting everyday till 6 pm and um it's going well!!!! it's the new diet plan! no im kidding. Im doing it for youth group and myself! but im gonna go cause like i cant think of anything! allrightie and remember.......... Don't settle for less and dont let anything bring you down even if it's yourself..........later kids enjoi the show!