Nov 15, 2013 00:00
Amongst the whirl of leaves
Snow storms and thunderstorms
Footsteps trail along an unknown path
The sky overhead of the calmest blue
A bashful smile with a hint of quiet charm
Creeping along the lines of adventure
Bricks and wood and glass underlaying that impish smirk
The heavy oak bespoke of wisdom well deserved
Love, in its purest form
Untouched, unbidden, unknown
A new bud. Simple. Innocent.
Its potential unbounded
Companionship and friendship
Soothing the most painful of hurt;
Self-blame, guilt and regrets
Like snow, it melted away unknowingly
Like water, the conversation flowed
Through currents and waves and tides
The path was paved
For a simple clarity
A challenge and admittance
For friendship and family
Silence was a treasured familial
With the warmth of the Sun
Music and food and knowledge
With little discoveries of old
Spanning the globe, it was
More than simply wonderful
T'was more than surprises
Of yesteryears
A gift of friendship and a binding tie
A tale of forgiveness and patience