ImA mIsS yA cRaZy AsS.

May 13, 2005 23:35

Imma really miss ya crazy was a nut..i dont know why things ended up the way they did..guess you wasnt ready..i cant apologize for anything cuz i cant help the fact that i caught feelings for you so was just a different person..seemed so sweet and so real..and maybe you are but you just scared..i really dont know and i guess i need to stop stressing bout this..yea i still wanna be friends wit you but i know it is gonna be extra hard cuz im still working on gettin over dis..imma always be here for you if you ever need me..which i dont think you will..but i want you to know that..SnOw WhiTe, WhO mIsSeS wHo MoRe, HeAvEn AnD hElL aNd In BeTwEeN, wAlKinG iN dA rAiN, fIrSt DaY wE cHiLlEd..I dIdNt EvEn KnOw YoU, cUtTiNg My ChiCkEn<--AiNt ThAT hOw YoU gOt Me, GrAtInG cHeEsE aNd ToSsInG dA sAlAd, ChiLlEn BeHiNd TaRgEt WiT dA bIrDs AnD aNtS aNd Da CrAzY cAt, Up AgAiNsT dA wAlL, iM hUnGrY oN mOnDaYs, WeDnEsDaYs AnD fRiDaYs, TaLkInG tO yOu EvErYmOrNinG bEfOrE sChOoL, bUtTeRfLiEs 24/7.

There's so much i can say but theres no point..guess were just gonna leave it at this.
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