hey there:
OK, first off:
WEBCAM of PERUGIA! opening day of eurochocolate. a rain may be ruining my photo oppurtunities, but its not ruining my appetite. so far, i have tried chocolate raviolis, chocolate noodles, a piece of a giant chocolate troll, many many hot chocolates (the type i mentioned before...liquified chocolate. they literally stick chocolate in the cup and stick it in the espresso machine and steam it), and various types of free bars, bonbons, truffles, etc. so, in case those of you who want gifts from me: its only going to be in chocolate form.
other news:
+ pretty lame but the bus from Perugia to Urbino is no longer is in service due to (no surprise) strikes. this means my 1.5 hour ride is turning into a 4 part train/bus ride lasting about 4 hours. i would cancel this part of my leg if i didnt want to see Urbino and the Ducale Palace bad enough. although, i hit this sort of snafu in Thailand in 2001 when i had to go one hour distance and i stupidly took the longer 4 hour bus ride the locals and monks take. i ended up with a nice scar on my leg, sweat everywhere, and a lunch of fried peppered crickets. yum! atleast ill have chocolate this time. and who the hell am i kidding??!! im in Italy. on vacation. anything i do, it's going to be atleast interesting and fascinating in some way. and more people can laugh at my hilarious Italian.
+ speaking of my Italian...Dan, you were so right. im using "Questo" or "Quello" and just pointing when i reach a blank and they are fine with it. why do i think its rude though? god i hate pointing. Skip got to hear a brief Italian chat when a group of high schoolers walked by me while i was on the phone and shouted Ciao's and Come Va's to me and i responded back. everyone is so damn nice. and if one more person starts speaking to me in French, ill move to France. its because im pale that they must think im french, right?
+ i am fascinated by Italian reality TV. as if i am not addicted to it in the US. The italians are all hooked on
Isola dei Famosi, a Survivor-like reality show that dumps famous stars and singers on an island in the Dominican Republic. they have a live feed for the elimintation ceremony. even more importantly (for the guys watching), a couple of the women are half nude. and not just like running around in bikinis. theyll go topless and throw a sheer shawl over themselves and then go frolic in the water. also, one of them struts around like this with her thong. priceless. Italian Big Brother shows most of the sex in night vision.
+ Italian dubbed TV i have seen include a HILARIOUSLY dubbed O.C., That 70's Show, Friends, Seinfeld, the Japanese original version of the Ring, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (awesome since it features Venice), and a couple Robert DeNiro movies. also, that Chuck Norris tv show is a HUGE hit here. i also watched the last debate dubbed before i eventually saw it on BBC World.