(no subject)

Jul 09, 2009 06:27

The revolution is progressing steadily, but that is not what I wish to impart to all you Joui-hopefuls today. Elizabeth has been starting a new revolution of her own as of late; a revolution of art and words. She is truly a renaissance Elizabeth.

She has gone to the beach to find her muse. I received her latest manuscript this afternoon. She also enclosed a postcard that she drew herself. It is nothing short of a masterpiece.

I think she may be in the running for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Aha, there I go, playing the proud owner. You may of course R&R yourselves. I suggest leaving positive feedback for her, and experiencing what it is like to hold onto the shooting star of a legend.

Should you leave expressly favourable feedback, Elizabeth has agreed to send you signed copies of her artwork, on high quality printer paper [S&H not included].

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you,

As Conceptualized, Researched, and Written by Elizabeth; Intergalactically Acclaimed Writer and Artist.


“Uwah,” exclaimed the lithe young woman happily, wiping sweat off her perfect brow and pushing her soft ebony locks out of her shining hazel eyes. “That was a good game of beach volleyball, Candi. Being a Beautiful Beach Princess is the best!”

“I love playing beach volleyball in my bikini with you, Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako!” giggled Candi, her white paa jiggling as much as other parts. “I don’t even mind if other people watch!”

“I actually prefer being watched,” confided Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako, her voice more sweet than any song bird’s trill. “I just want everyone to see how much fun we’re having!”

“Me too!” The women sat down on their beach towels, their long legs stretching out. Candi noticed Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako could use some more suntan lotion, and soon she was slathering the lotion all over Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako. They chatted happily about their last sleepover.

“I would have been so embarrassed if my top fell off during a pillow fight like that!” laughed Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako modestly, squirming and writhing.

Candi giggled some more, swatting playfully at Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako’s smooth, succulent skin, glistening with suntan lotion. “It was just us girls! I didn’t care at all!”

After that, they went for a walk down the beach, sometimes skipping. They noticed Junior Librarian-chan making sand castles.

“Hi, Junior Librarian-chan!” called Candi. “Are you legal yet?”

“Not yet,” said Junior Librarian-chan, adjusting her glasses. “But there’s no law against thinking about it!”

“I love your sandcastles, Junior Librarian-chan,” purred Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako. “Can we play with you?”

Junior Librarian-chan blushed. “You don’t mind that I’m younger, have bad eyesight, and am not a Beautiful Beach Princess?”

“Of course we don’t,” said Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako, so gracious and calm and radiant in her beauty.

“We don’t mind that you’re not legal, either,” added Candi with a saucy wink. “It’s a girls-only secret!”

They all giggled together and got down on all fours to make sandcastles. They were having so much fun. Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako was just complimenting Junior Librarian-chan on her adorable schoolgirl swimsuit and how pert it made her look when suddenly, a whole sandcastle went flying into Candi’s face.

“Who just kicked that whole sandcastle into Candi’s face!” cried Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako, the distraught etched along her features only making her face even more wondrous and moving to look upon.

“I DID,” boomed an ugly gorilla in banana-print trunks. He was flanked by two other things that might have been ugly people.

“Oh no!” cried Junior Librarian-chan. “It’s the Shitsengumi!”

“Why did you do that?” demanded Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako, her hair blowing in the breeze slowly. “Candi could have been killed! She hates sand in her face!”

“I don’t mind other things, but I hate sand!” pouted Candi, wiping her eyes.


“Mayo mayo mayo,” added one of the things behind him. “Mayo mayo, mayo mayo mayo!”

“Gaspu!” gasped Junior Librarian-chan. “You’re mean!”

“Mayo,” snarled the oily beast, making Junior Librarian-chan shriek in terror. “Mayo mayo.”

“Nipple clamps,” grunted the third thing.

Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako couldn’t believe the awful behavior of the unsightly trio, or the awful stench coming off of them. “Please,” she asked demurely, her enchanting, smoky eyes lowering, “leave my buxom friend and this underage girl and I alone. We don’t want to bother anyone. We just want to have fun at the beach.”


“Eeeeek!” squealed the girls. The hugged each other close, soft and scared but full of love and support, as only girls can hold each other. Their chests swelling with emotion, they braced themselves for total sandcastle decimation.

The gorilla prepared to kick a whole sandcastle into Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako’s face.

“Not the face!” wailed Junior Librarian-chan.

“Aim at her lower back or something, jeez!” shouted Candi.

Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako was silent. A single tear rolled down her flawless cheek.

And then, at the time of Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako’s greatest need, a hero arrived.

The sun silhouetted him as he ran, dancing over his rippling pectorals-on-pectorals. He dove at the Shitsengumi in slow-motion, knocking the gorilla’s hairy head off his hairy body with one punch of his mighty fist.

“Mayo! Mayo mayo mayo mayoh my god you’re breaking my spine this is terrible,” gurgled one of the other things as the brave rescuer snapped him clean in two, biceps bulging. He then executed a spinning half-crescent tigermoon judo bonzai kick which threw the third thing straight into the sun.

The girls were shocked and amazed.

“That was amazing! I’m shocked!” cried Junior Librarian-chan.

“What a hunk,” mou’ed Candi, wiping drool from the corner of her mouth.

“Who is that epitome of everything I want in a lover?” gasped Beautiful Beach Princess Zurako breathlessly, her heart thudding beneath her supple chest. She was instantly in love with this specimen of perfect manhood, and feeling all sorts of passionate urges stirring within her. Before she could even catch her breath, the jacked stranger lifted her up from the sand, his beefy arm wrapping around her slim, seductive waist.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, as white hot pleasure from his mere touch waved over her entire body. He supported her as her dainty knees gave out, holding her as she swooned. “Oh, yes, never leave my side! Be my forever!”

“Be mine just for a night!” added Candi, clutching onto his leg. “Junior Librarian-chan will be legal soon! We can all do a group thing!”

“Sugooooiii!” whooped Junior Librarian-chan.

And the gorilla never got a girlfriend.



I. I. Ah, I promised myself I wouldn't do this...

I'm so proud of you, Elizabeth.

i hate gorillas, shakespeare found lacking in comparison, pride of the joui, elizabeth is multi-talented, high quality prints, you are a winner, ooc: fic by rabid, adorable, uwah.doc, ooc: brawldos contest entry, go fight win, to the new dawn, you are my sunshine, r&r, ooc: art by ant "light dragon" sama, bonds of friendship, elizabethzuuuuu, the next hemmingway, so cute, bonzai, my dear elizabeth, kill captain mayora another day, inspiring moments, best friends, you are a star, mayonnaise is disgusting, elizabeth, i have no idea what just happened

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