Sep 21, 2005 19:51
NG: i bought a mr pibb today
NG: my first soft drink bought at school
ky m: ive never bought one
ky m: people buy them for me
ky m: boys
NG: wow
NG: ms sex
ky m: i know right
NG: the boys see us and they go for you but they sex me later
I've never been so bored in my life. So I guess a lot has been going on lately NOT. Candace and I are trying to hook her up with some boy. It's pretty exciting. Candace, me and maybbeee Cole are going to see The Murdered and God Forbid on the 29th. Pretty exciting. And then on the 7th me and Candace and mayybee Cole are going to see Rocket Summer! John's going to be there and hopefully a lot of other people, I'm excited. I love how Candace hacks into my livejournal and changes my picture :] ehehe John's pretty cute..he just asked me to write him notes at school. I love writing notes. Even though I hardly have time. Mine are all pretty gay though..ask Candace. P.E was cool today. Me and muh girrrrlllsss snuck off in this building to get water and stayed in there a bit. Until we had to sneak back outside and walk up the bleachers a million times. I can speak French. I have a million projects due Friday..I haven't started any of them. I have a couple new friends at school. This one girl named Jordan. We meet in the Nacho line at lunch. I secretly think she talks to me to cut in line with me becuase I get there before her, but whatever..I like her. This Boy in my French class named Steven. The only reason I like him is because he thinks I'm a hottie. I naturally want to be friends with people that like me. Well except some Drew kid..ewwww. I saw the funniest picture I've ever seen in my life today. There's also this girl named Kara in my french class. Her stomach always hangs out of her clothes..its kinda sickening, but she's nice. She invited me to Six flags..kinda weird. S his D. There's this boy in my geometry class named spencer who is new friend worthy. he makes fun of me though because I said the Sun Chips tasted like magic and he always says it now. I'm in love with this one foreign girl named Dalal. We have a gorgeous emo boy together. We talk about him a lot. I'm in love with her. There's also this one boy named James who tried to sell me and energy drink today ? ? ? Enough with this friends stuff..I could go on for a lot longer, but forget it. S his D. I'm tired of getting all gross after P.e and having to go around all day looking nasty. Like I shouldn't even bother getting ready in the morning. I can't wait for health. I need to dye my hair back Dark. It's kind of fading. But I have to wait a little while :[ I want to get a big groupl of friends and do something thats not too too gay.
S his D. I still think that's hilarious.
xox Kymiii
Oh yeah..
And Colton is KINDA cool... :]
Ohh and Lee is pretty amazing. I SORTA talked to him when I was absent from school.