[series]: Primeval
[character]: Connor Temple
[character history / background]:
HERE [character abilities]: Knowledge of general geekery, conspiracy theories, dinosaurs, computers and a better-than-average grasp of engineering and physics.
[character personality]:
Connor's a great kid, he tries hard, he's smart (some might say brilliant in ways) but he's the quintessential geek. Stick him in a room full of computers, the internet, and his fellow nerds and he'll come out with the name of that guy who died third in Raiders of the Lost Arc, a new program he made to find said name of guy, and a new take on his dissertation on how the dinosaurs were killed by aliens. (No really.) But give him the chance to be a real hero, save the world... well, he might accidentally shoot a teammate with a tranq pistol, but he'll eventually pull it together and stand with his team.
He really wants to be one of the cool guys, but knows he never will be and is constantly trying to find his place. With the anomaly project and Dr. Nick Cutter he finds that place. His wide knowledge of dinosaurs and technology has made him a home and for once he feels like he belongs. Cutter is a mentor and Connor deeply respects him, willing to follow him just about anywhere.
Abby's his unrequited love. He really wants her to know how she feels, but she's like the cool punk reptile expert he can never have. Doesn't stop him from wanting her. And from being insanely jealous because he know she wants someone else on the team. He'll do anything for her, and just about anything she asks.
[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Series 1, just after episode 5, before 6.