Name: Plus
Journal: backchats
Contact: chronicvillainy (aim)
Character Name: Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Series: Tiger & Bunny
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 24 years, just after episode 13.
Requested Sponsor: bandai Pearl.
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet.
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Barnaby is a NEXT, a person with what basically amounts to superpowers. His own is 'Hundred Power', the ability to boost his speed, strength and jumps for five minutes at a time, before it wears off and cannot be reactivated for another hour. During these five minutes (or less, if he turns it off deliberately), his eyes and body glow blue. This also makes him an excellent flashlight, which is all anyone could ask for.
'Bunny' is polite, charming and sociable - when it comes to the public eye. Under the media-friendly veneer, however, is a rather more calculating, cold-hearted person who doesn't care about anyone or anything that isn't helping him in some way. And under that is someone who, since the age of four, has been in serious need of a hug. No, really.
For much of his life, Barnaby has been focused on avenging his parents' murder; as of episode 13, he believes he has accomplished this, and thus teeters between the cold persona that has slowly been thawing out thanks to the efforts of others (mostly his work-partner, Wild Tiger), and the happier, more friendly personality that he'd been repressing for so many years.
Having only just learned to put in his trust in other people, Barnaby is slow to reach out to others, and is still mostly fixated on self-accomplishment and personal achievement. He's good at projecting a selfless image if he wants, used to being popular, and unused to caring about others' problems or lives.
Hardworking, fairly intelligent and observant, Barnaby usually throws himself into training, and shows no fear in taking on superior opponents. He can sometimes be reckless - when he loses his temper, as well, Barnaby can be somewhat sadistic and uncontrolled - but is generally practical and prefers to analyze a situation and deal with it in a way that will best suit his purposes.
Having achieved his life-long goal of avenging his parents, Barnaby is... basically without hobbies or interests outside of training and Looking Good For Fans. Between episodes 13 and 14, Barnaby's personality takes a dramatic turn, thanks to the ten-moth timeskip between them; as I would be taking Barnaby from just after episode 13, his personality hasn't had time to adapt significantly from how it was (except that his goal has been achieved), so he still isn't completely used to working with others.
Barnaby is a hard-worker, absolutely dedicated when he has a goal in mind, and very practical and sensible. He isn't very idealistic, but has somewhat grown to respect it in others - or at least to the point of not insulting it, which is a big improvement. When he does do something out of the goodness of his heat, he usually dresses it up as something selfish (jumping into a burning oil-rig to save someone 'for the points') or accidental (he didn't come to rescue his partner - he was just in the area!). Since growing to trust his partner, he's become somewhat more open about such things, but he's still happy to mock, tease and generally troll people when they annoy him. Snarky passive-aggressiveness, thy name is Barnaby.
Despite his general antisocialness, Barnaby honestly doesn't like being alone. He's just... not very good at the whole 'friends' thing. He is really good at kicking people and smiling at cameras, so it evens out. When it comes to the public-eye and authority figures, Barnaby is happy to play nice, suck-up and generally make the best of any situation he can.
Considering his recent activities, Barnay's personality is somewhat unstable - the main driving force of his life has been achieved, and he now has the rest of his life to look forward to. Ripping him away from the city and people he's used to (and is growing to like) obviously isn't a good start to that.
What are your plans for the character in-game? He certainly wouldn't be a happy bunny (hohoho, puntastic) about being taken away from his city, but Barnaby's practical. So probably settle down to learn as much as he can until he gets home, and annoy vast numbers of people.
Anything else? His parents are DEEEEEEEAD.
Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire (can be found on the application page)
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as?
Barnaby is fine.
How old are you?
Do you have any history in combat?
... Yes. Quite a bit, usually one-on-one.
If so, have you ever killed?
i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
[laughs] Like normal? I'm used to responding to emergency call-outs at any hour, so it's not particularly annoying.
ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
Not really. I've never had the need to.
iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
I haven't often worked in groups... on those rare occasions, I've worked fairly equally with a partner or other team-members.
iv) How talkative are you around other people?
... That would depend who these 'other people' are.
v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
A boat with sufficient fuel to get me to civilization, a decent quantity of food and other necessities, and some kind of functional communication system in case I need to call for help.
vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
Of course. In my old job, it was, anyway - perhaps it's different for other people.
vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
That depends on the pay-off.
viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
Not in general. [except when he snaps and tries to kill people. but he doesn't do that any more!]
ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
Hardly. It's better to be prepared and know what you're meant to be doing.
x) Do you like surprises?
Not... usually. I had a good one, once. That was more of a fluke.
xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
No. Never.
xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
I've yet to hear a decision of theirs that didn't turn out to be good in the end. As long as superiors have a good track-record, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
[a beat] What?
iv) Thread link:
Here (ohboy thisislong)