What a weekend/beginning of week. It's been pretty crazy.
You know what's funny? Card stores. Like Hallmark or something. It provokes a couple desciptive words in my mind.
Awkward: when on the same
card...aisle? as someone, and you want to look in the same place, do
you wander aimlessly in the sympathy section, when you really want to
be in the cousin's birthday section, where the interloper is? Or do you
make the "lean" over into the cousin's birthday section, at the risk of
causing yourself to be made the interloper?
When on the same aisle, but different sides and you want to look at the
section across from somebody else, what then? I mean, that puts you in
a place of increased risk of colliding buttocks, caused by leaning to
get a card. Now that would be a disaster.
Funny: I love hearing people laughing at cards. Greeting cards give you a chuckle that only greeting cards can give.
Just something to think about.
I'm excited about homecoming, I think it's going to be fun.
Matthew and me
Melanie and me
a random old picture that made me happy...John me and Matthew
The sad story....