Thank you. Good luck. See you again.

Jan 27, 2019 21:18

Well, ain’t this a shitty beginning of 2019.

Please pardon my language and bare soul since I am still trying to cope with my thoughts and processing them.

I always knew thay someday Arashi will quit the entertainment world. What I didn’t expect was that it was going to happen this soon and this sudden.

Arashi was and still is my strong connection with anything related to Japan. Heck I even applied for that MEXT scholarship 10 years ago partly because I wanted to see Arashi in person - all flesh and blood.

Sure like most fans out there, I swayed here and there. I even fell out of fandom when I was in Japan and went through kpop phase.

But I always come back to these 5 guys. When I felt like my day was a wreck, I turned to their old videos and I would feel better somehow. And although I don’t really fancy their newer albums, I still listen to them. Knowing that they are around the corner of my music playlist makes me smile.

When the announcement came out this morning, I felt numb. Like, “okay... as long as they are happy, I guess that’s fine.”

And then I went through Twitter. Tweets by tweets, and somehow at the middle of them, my tears started to rain. I watched the FC video and I realized how Ohno looked so old, so tired, and so beaten. I read the translations of what the rest of them said and they hit me so hard I went through my day feeling empty.

Then a selfish thought came into my mind. Why did this need to happen? Can’t they just lead a normal life while still be in the group? I don’t even mind if they don’t release an album or have a tour - just not this!

I calmed myself down - talked to some Arashians that I know personally and I know will give me more rational inputs. I took a break from Twitter and did my usual weekend chores.

And then I saw the press conference clips - along with the translations (mad respects to Arashi fansubbers!).

I must admit, watching the press con was a good relief. I was thinking that I would see cries and gloomy faces, but of course this is Arashi that we are talking about. They went through everything as 5, and for sure they would rather going to the end as 5. With smiles and goofy actions all the way.

I felt HUGE gratitude.

That they talked and talked about this - only 5 of them. For months. Tried to find a workaround, another way for them to stay together. And finally decided on something - just between them.

That they kept this for a whole year until they were ready to reveal it to their fans.

I thank Ohno for being strong and selfless for 20 years. He could have quit years ago, but he soldiered through. And I thank the other 4 for choosing this way instead - keeping Arashi together as 5. Cause it’s not gonna work if it’s not the 5 of them. They know it.

After all, it comes back to what makes them happy. What’s the point of doing something that doesn’t spark joy?

If they need to take a break and lead a normal life - so be it. God knows how many times I yell at them virtually to freaking get married, anyway.

If Ohno wants to fish and draw all the time without worrying that he needs to go to work the next day, so be it. Go ahead and get tanned, you crazy fisherman.

Sho will continue to be the newscaster that we all are so proud of. Jun will continue to be involved with concert production and acting in dramas here and there. Nino will probably be composing/acting/gaming. Aiba will still be Aiba and be the happiest when surrounded by animals.

I am actually... glad that they are so brave - and trust us - their fans. That they know they are going to break fans’ hearts but they have to do this to remain as Arashi. And they know their fans will always be there for them when they are ready to be back.

I have a feeling that Ohno will take a long, long break. And if I am being honest, I doubt there will ever be a reunion. But I would love to be proved wrong. I would love to see them again on a stage, performing and for Ohno to be actually happy doing it.

In the meantime, I know I will still be seeing Sho, Jun, Nino, and Aiba around. And somehow that eased my pain - after a long weep. It still hurts. Still so very hurts. But I will gradually accept this.

I wish they are having a blast for the remaining two years. I do hope that good news of them getting hitched will come soon too!

Now please excuse me while I cry myself to sleep - hopefully for the last time for the long run. And applying for FC tomorrow.

Thank you for everything, Arashi.

Have a good summer holiday, Riida. You deserve it.


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