sleepy post

Sep 20, 2014 01:24


Nakama Yukie got married! Hurrah! Not that I really follow her career and news, btw. Just that I happened to come across this news :p

"Time Spiral" drama is boring. GACKT's acting is mediocre at best, and I just can't believe the chemistry between him and Kuroki Meisa (btw, how on earth she stays that slim after having a baby? I look like a big fat pau!

I finished "Zero no Shinjitsu" YAY. Although the ending is so anti-climax I just went :OOOO. I mean, the whole 8 episodes were built with some tense and when all the answers were revealed, it went alllll the way down.

I haven't watched Rurouni Kenshin : Kyoto Inferno. Sobs. But what to do, I can't leave my baby at home on weekend while I am already away from him on weekdays. Ah well, I'll just wait for a download.

"HERO 2014" is.... welllll, watchable for me. And I kinda like the direction of Keiko-KimuTaku's relationship going. It's playful but definitely not a romantic one, kinda like brother and sister.

"ITAKISS LOVE IN OKINAWA" rocks yo!!!! I have been waiting for it since last year. Not so many kisses (teehee) but the bed scene was whooooooo. I mean, Miki Honoka is only 17 years old!!

Okay, non-drama news aka the story of my boring life.

I submitted my resignation two weeks ago. Found another job with this company with HQ in France. No, I am not moving there. They just open their new office in Singapore, and I am going to be th 7th person (2nd engineer) here. Wow, talk about manpower...

The best part? TRAINING IN JAPAN. I am leaving next month for about 4-5 days. Ok, I am not as excited as before cause well, I am already dreading leaving my baby at home for 8 hours every day, now I need to leave him at home for days? I almost cried T__T

But we'll see. I have to be strong. After all, I need this job. The pay is quite good and it means I can save more to pay our helper, and of course, for my baby's education fund

life, j-drama

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