Jan 08, 2011 01:34
I am such a liar face. It's hard to stay true to my internet persona of awesome, when I don't have time (or make time) to adequately cultivate it. There's something about having a real live boyfriend who requires love and affection and attention and sometimes food, that just makes tapping at a keyboard to talk about my day seem a waste of time.
But then I stumble upon past posts and think, "I am really only truly me when I give my soul a digital inky voice". I was seriously so struck by this this today that I was just standing in the kitchen, staring at the clock on the oven, trying to put into words the concept... I am myself the most when I take the time to gather all those thoughts bumping around in my skull, wrestle with them, and then upon capturing them, force them through my fingers to go streaming behind that little blinky "I'm ready for your thoughts" line. You know the one.
When I DON'T capture my thoughts, I noticely become dull. And not just outwardly. My internal monologue becomes rusty and stale. My conversation is less sharp and witty. My opinions on matter soften. "The news? What news? What happened last week? Where was I?"
Anyway. I was contemplating my personality and this interesting and apparently mandatory outlet that is the sole requirement to me having any kind of a spark of a personlity, and then Jonathan was like, "Why are you staring at the oven? You okay?" I made up some lame excuse like, "Just thinking about the wedding and everything that needs to be done." Which was actually kind of true. I've found that even in my most profound of thoughts, I'm holding like... five different conversations all in my head at the same time.
Anyhoo, I'm going to bed now. I'm going to continue tapping out onto Twitter, and try to be a bit more consistent with blogging. I want to invest time into some mini opinion columnes too, though at this point I doubt many people would read. *shrugs*
I am going to strive to be more ME. I think that is a belated resolution...