Title: A love taken for granted (a sequel to 5:15) Genre: Angst Rating: PG Summary: "He knows she doesn’t deserve this. He knows he doesn’t deserve her. But he’s a selfish man. He wants her. No, he needs her."
I really like your oneshots. So deep and full of angst. As for the ending, Hyun hasn't forgiven Yong yet and still hurting but in that moment, they just need to be with each other amidst the issues they have between then hence the hug on the bed. Aigoo. Am I even making sense? LOL. Thank you for this!
you are finally, finally writing! i remembered that i just messaged you in tumblr because i missed you and then, here you are, breaking my heart. T_T this is heartbreaking-ly beautiful, like the other 2 stories you posted before this.
i wanna bite you.
... but you know, even in death, a conclusion isn't certain. not for the people left behind, that is. sometimes, it opens more things that we would not really want to have open.
The aftermath. So maybe there is something worst than death: dealing with death, perhaps? I could imagine how difficult it must be to have a loved one taken from you and finding the will to go on when he/she was your reason to live all along. I'm super glad you enjoyed it, because coming from you it means a lot. thank you (:
more than the dealing, i think, it's the not dealing. in my mind, there are worse things than realizing that that person was your reason to live. we're so used to having something that when it's taken away from us that we only realize its value.
but, what if you don't realize anything? what if all the pain and the sacrifices before the turning point meant nothing at all? or what if you don't realize anything, still, and live as if that person is with you? how do you hurt, how do you grieve? if at all?
sorry if it's too morbid. i like talking to you, you make me think. i do hope that you write more, you have beautiful words. :)
(ps. those be my lipstick stains on mgg's body. true story.)
my abi, you're so philosophical. You're approach is way more profound than mine.
A complete dissociation from reality in an attempt to escape the distress and agony of loss. I realize then how detrimental that could be to one's health without them actually knowing it. They may even border on insanity.
I love this omg. I don't know what else to say. This is so real coz I mean IRL, nth is fairy tale like and in most cases, I think pain in relationships gets each other growing up a bit. Anyway Idk what I'm saying anymore but thanks for this :)
His tears show the sincerity of his guilt, and that's what she needs. OR at least that's what I need, but I'm vengeful like that...
"It’s the first time he’s truly appreciated her importance" - this line is so important. To recognize what you didn't before. And at least he's focusing now on what to change in the future, cause he's already screwed up and you can't fix that mess. You can only change and be better.
Yonghwa totes needed this 'threat' from Seohyun...totes!
There's an adage that goes, 'You don't know what you have until it's gone' (basically the crux of this fic) that couldn't be more true. We often neglect the little things or things we deem as insignificant in life, that only when gone, do we find out held greater importance to us. It's a sad and regretful thing knowing that you could've prevented that loss by simply appreciating that thing/person more.
Thank you a lot for reading and commenting. Both greatly appreciated! (:
Comments 10
i wanna bite you.
... but you know, even in death, a conclusion isn't certain. not for the people left behind, that is. sometimes, it opens more things that we would not really want to have open.
but, what if you don't realize anything? what if all the pain and the sacrifices before the turning point meant nothing at all? or what if you don't realize anything, still, and live as if that person is with you? how do you hurt, how do you grieve? if at all?
sorry if it's too morbid. i like talking to you, you make me think.
i do hope that you write more, you have beautiful words. :)
(ps. those be my lipstick stains on mgg's body. true story.)
A complete dissociation from reality in an attempt to escape the distress and agony of loss. I realize then how detrimental that could be to one's health without them actually knowing it. They may even border on insanity.
hahaha at that mgg comment LIES!
This is so real coz I mean IRL, nth is fairy tale like and in most cases, I think pain in relationships gets each other growing up a bit.
Anyway Idk what I'm saying anymore but thanks for this :)
1. Reading
2. Loving it
3. Leaving a comment
all gratuitous actions, all greatly appreciated :)
"It’s the first time he’s truly appreciated her importance" - this line is so important. To recognize what you didn't before. And at least he's focusing now on what to change in the future, cause he's already screwed up and you can't fix that mess. You can only change and be better.
Yonghwa totes needed this 'threat' from Seohyun...totes!
There's an adage that goes, 'You don't know what you have until it's gone' (basically the crux of this fic) that couldn't be more true. We often neglect the little things or things we deem as insignificant in life, that only when gone, do we find out held greater importance to us. It's a sad and regretful thing knowing that you could've prevented that loss by simply appreciating that thing/person more.
Thank you a lot for reading and commenting. Both greatly appreciated! (:
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