(no subject)

Aug 25, 2003 15:10

I hate the word basically. A lot. Hardly anyone uses it correctly, and I cant stand it. Case in point, I was at costco the other day, and a lady and her husband were looking at a fridgerator or something. I overheard the lady say this, and I quote, "Basically, its made by fridgidare." Is it basically made by fridgidare, or is it actually made by fridgidare? It is in fact made by fridgidare. Or I have heard the following:

1. Basically, it has a four cylinder engine
2. Basically, I like pants
3. Basically, I like all music

The list goes on and on. I dont understand it, when people use the word basically, the are saying what is actually is, not what it basically is. It actually does have a four cylinder engine, you do like pants, and yes, you like all music. Basically is the worst word ever, like when your watching cooking shows, and for the recipe, the cook says: Basically, this dish is made from carrots, onions, crisco, and thousand island dressing. No, it is made from all those things. He named off everything that is in the recipe, not the few important things. Maybe I am dumb, but that word should be stricken from the English language. Instead of basically, I say we just say if we like something, or we could even say "this dish is made from the following ingredients.
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