once upon a time....

Oct 02, 2005 11:20

so yesterday was the end of sttel magnolias/chicago. i am in a way relieved, but at the same time disappionted. i love all the shows we do. i just love performing period.

at the dress rehersal hannah and i had a pretty wild andventure here's the story:
once upon a time at a very boring dress rehersal, there were 2 girls named hannah and renee that had very short attention spans, so they decided to go to their lockers. once they got outside the gymnasium they remembered that there was a jv football game going on so they went and watched it untill they decided that the jv football team sufficiantly sucked (which didn't take very long) so they left to go find another way to better occupy their time. renee said "lets go in the elevator" so they did. at one point they thought they broke it from jumping up and down, and they thought they would be stuck in there forever. then, they got tired of that so they were on the 2nd floor trying to decide what to do next when they both had a great idea. (great minds think alike you know) so they decided to go on the roof. renee threw hannah's book on the roof that way they would have an excuse of why they were on there. so over climbed hannah. as renee lifted her legs and started to climb the janitor came and said "be careful" and stood there until they were both on safe ground again. then they went walking. all the way to the library. where they saw monopoly man (the school principal that looks just like the man fom monopoly) and they ran away, for fear of getting caught skipping practice. then they found the teacher's lounge, and felt the urge to explore it. so they returned to the choir room to get bobby pins. they atttempted to open the locked door, but it wouldn't budge. so then they tried to open the art room, b/c they have fun things to play with. but alas no door would open. renee thought the school might have silent alarms so when a helicopter with a searchlight flew over she got scared and ran into a little hallway, backstage. there the two sat, contemplating what to do next when mrs. phillips walked by (the assitant director) renee hid, but there hannah stood in plain veiw. they were caught. mrs. phillips asked what they were doing and they quickly answered that they had gone to the bathroom and missed their cew to get o stage. mrs phillips seemed irate as she stormed out of the hallway. hannah suggested they go to the girls lockeroom. so they did. there they sat like criminals awaiting their sentence. pondering what to do next and out of good ideas. then they heard mr. snyder say "lets run it one more time" so they ran like fools to the other side where their good friend jaime let them in the secret door.
afterward mrs. phillips just said, "don't go to the bathroom, you two lo9oked as guilty as sin." so once again the dinamic duo avoided getting in trouble and avoided being bored for 3 hours.
and they both lived happily ever after. THE END

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