well yesterday i went and got my eyebrows waxed =) and then i went to kristens house. we went to the buzz and it was soo much fun, this kid wanted to dance w/ me but yea he was liek HUMPING me ahahh it was soo funny!!!!! n e way then kristen and i went home and we made pizza, took baths *b/c we smelled* and then we got online and she talked to austin ;-) lol and i was laying in bed then we couldnt' go to bed so yea um..then we fell asleep, woke up today and we layed out liek ALL day 12-3 b/c we both have to work tomorrow! - I WORK FROM 5-CLOSE AT LIMITED TOO @ DESERT RIDGE! - COME VISIT!!! =)
ill write more lader! xOxO! jESs*
Name: jessica alliene
Current Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Eye Color: Brownish greenish
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'2
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Shoes you wore today: rainbows
Your weakness: like mental weakness - being alone, death
Your fears: getting knocked out, and dieing
Goal you'd like to achieve: hm...getting better grades in school - lame i know but its all i can think of
Your thoughts first waking up: ..here we go again..
Your best physical feature: my eyes and my smile *thats what im told n e way b/c i personaly think im UGLY!!!!
Your bedtime: don't have one
Your most missed memory: February 2004. =\
Pepsi or Coke: neither
Single or group dates: um..idk
Adidas or Nike: nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: PEACH TEA!!! =)
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: neither
Cuss: nope
Sing: tooooo much and toooo loud =)
Take a shower everyday: no other way..
Think you've been in love: idk actually
Like(d) high school: well..i love the "adult freedom" lol but i F*CKING HATE THE DRAMA!!
Get motion sickness: nope
Think you're attractive: no. BLEH.
Think you're a health freak: definitely not.
Get along with your parents: my mom can be cool sometimes..=\
Like thunderstorms: yes, when u w/ someone special otherwise i feel like all emo b/c i think when it rains lol =\
Play an instrument: i know how to play the violin =)
In the past month have you...
Made Out: nope =\
Gone on a date: nope =\
Been on stage: yes!!! =)
Been dumped: nope
Gone skinny dipping: not in the last month...
Dyed your hair: That'd be a no.
Have you ever?
Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes but im soo d*mn good that i didn't need to take n e thing off =)
Been caught "doing something": more or less...
Been called a tease: yea
Gotten beaten up: nope
Shoplifted: neverrr
Age you hope to be married: not a certain age..when I'm ready to get married, I'll know and there won't be any hesitation.
Numbers and Names of Children: im only 16 what do i look like! lol
Describe your dream wedding: def. can't describe it b/c it would be to amazing for words!
How do you want to die: I HATE DEATH I NEVER WANT TO DIE! =\
What do you want to be when you grow up: a CPA or interior designer/decorator
What country would you most like to visit: ireland, switzerland, and swedan
In a guy...
Best eye color?: blue or green
Best hair color?: brown but blondish brownish surfer style is def. the sexiest hair eVER!!!!!
Short or long hair: surfer length ::sighs::
Height: taller than me =)
Number of...
people I could trust with my life: just 4.
CDs that I own: like over 50
piercings: 4
tattoos: zero
scars on my body: like 4 i think
things in my past that I regret: I regret things but i live by the quote...'what you regret now u will never regret lader, everything happens for a reason, so laugh it off!!!" <<- best quote ever