Sep 27, 2004 15:47
Passage from "This Passing Surface"...
You know how you have a 1000 things to say to some one, and you wish that you could just say it to them, and then you finally have the chance to say to them and when its all done and through with, you realize that you didn’t say one thing you have wished you could have said for months, and it leaves you wishing you could say them all over again, except this time you know that you cant because you would look like a total retard bringing it all back up, well here's what i didn't say...
Im sad, it makes me sad, and i dont even know why or about what anymore. All I know is it use to make me mad, and angry, but know i see that you have hurt too... and you are sad too... and now that makes me sad, because all i can think some times is that we still could be chilling, and surfing and kicking it in a way that no one else could have... we always had a way of doing that. It just hurts because i lost and to this day have yet to be told why, all tho i dont know if you agree with why now. i know now that you think of the situation differently then you use to, you've said so your self, and some times i wish i could leave a door open, but in a way i think i have. while at the same time i want to close that door hard, but somthings wronge it wont close... and i dont know what to do! but i dont think it has closed for you either, i dont know maybe it has, but when you told me you bought a yellow one because it reminded me of you that makes me think that your door is still open a little bit. so here we sit with our doors a crack open, just sitting, not really open and not ready to close, and that just leaves us dormant, standing still moving forward while still holding on to the past. why??? why doesn't this stop, why cant we break free from the gripping cluches of the shit we're in??? I want to be done and then some where in my subconcious i think to my self what if we could fix it??? what if it could go back to normal??? what if it could go back to the way it was??? and maybe it could if we really tryed, but we wont, its to hard and so it wont, it cant. We had somthing that only comes around once in a life time, a friendship that others only dream about and what sucks is no matter how much we crave that type of friendship again, it wont happen, that was it... and we let it go. reading that makes me sad, so i dont touch it! and may be i never will, and the door will sit like that forever! and we'll never let it go... the good we're the best i've ever had. and for the rest of my life i'll be able to day that i had the best high school experience and nothing could have beat it! I dont know if you will ever read this, or if anyone else will or if its somthing only i will ever see, but i wanted to say it, you deserve to know that i wish that it never had happend. and that somtimes i wish i could figure out a way to make it go back. My good friends Liz and Mark were talking to me one day, and we we're talking about how i use to have this really good friend and now me and him dont talk, and that they reminded me of him and me, and liz said to me "you'll fix it. I promise, i hatted mark for a year and then we worked it out and fixed it, if you find a friend like that you will never be able to hate each other. your other friends might hate each other or that person but you and him will work it out. i promise!" Lets hope huh! Malfoy i love ya bud!