Mar 07, 2008 19:28
I read something today. I'm sure if you googled "1000 True Fans" you more about it. Alas, I am too lazy to grab the link.
Here's what it boils down to:
If you had 1000 true willing to spend $100 a year on your shit.
You could make a living off your art.
1000 times $100= $100,000/yr
Tricky parts?
Putting out enough stuff in a year so that 1000 people COULD spent $100 a year.
Making 1000 people love your stuff that audacity to say "Lookit me!".
(Personally, I would want a regular gig though...what if those $1000 people all waited until the end of the year to buy shit...what would I do the rest of the time?)
Me? I probably have only 1 true fan, and she gets stuff for free because she's Nichole. I also don't create that much stuff.
But, its an interesting idea none-the-less. Don't you think?