
Dec 18, 2005 06:59

Umm... I am not sure why I am ALWAYS up so friggin early.. lol. I took Tina and Liz to the airport thismorning. I was so tempted to park and jump onto a plane! I had the oppurtunity to actually take a flight to NY, but plans got mixed up and now my chance is gone. :(.

On a different note, I am working the NB basketball tourni @ the CS gym until Wednesday. Now I can buy faja some Christimas gifts with out HIM paying for them. haha. Exciting, I know. When I stepped into the gym, I saw so many of my coaches..haha. Williams was there- head varsity bball. Smith was there- rowing/basketball/trainer. Gartin was there too- my college coach. That my friends is a shmorgasboard of coaches!

.... Back to the Christimas..I am going to go shopping today if anybody would like to join.

Alright, i think it is about time to just go back to sleep. I was debating over running now, but I think I should let my body rest. I have deff put enough stress on it with everything going on.

<3 Kiki

* Nutrition fact of the day (or hour..depending on if I update later too..hehe): A Krispy Creme doughnut contains 200 Calories PER doughnut... EWW. That is more than a whole freaking can of soda!!
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