Let it snow!!!

Dec 08, 2005 18:58

So, today was nuts. <--yup, i said it: NUTS! Started with a 6AM erg piece. It was a 20 minute MAX out.. aka- pull as HARD as you can for 20mins. My split was a 2:08, I pulled a 2:07.1. :D. (Aka I beat my split!! woot woot.. lol) Ya, so that sucked..MOVING ON.. I then showered, put on the SHARK SHIRT that our WHOLE TEAM had to wear that day, and went to breakfast with Rachel.. got the same thing as always: scrambled eggs with cheese and a side of potatoes and tomatoes..mmmmMMmmm. The breakfast lady= A FRICKIN MAZING.. YEAH.. When we walk up to the counter she smiles and knows what we want right away.. even my side of tomatoes! :D.  Right-O...

School portion of day:         
Class at 9:20am= evaluate old essay= early dismissal.                       
I then chose to g oto the library, get some hours done= did get a lot of homework done.. but, CLEARLY, something has to happen...oherwise It wouldn't have been MY day...:::BEEEP BEEEP:: "PLEASE EVACUATE THE BUILDING, FIRE!" ..So, everybody rushes outside... The fire department is all inside and whatnot... Cause? Someone in the Cafe BURNED a piece of Toast! <- WOW.. lol..way to go!
Great, so, 11:15 roles around and I choose to stay outside- it was a quad Thursday today.. :D.. So, I am waiting for Moos...but, while i doooo... hehe... A giant pile of "snow" (shaved ice.. lol) is being blown out of a machine and onto the lawn... and ppl begin to surround Dani to get spirit shirts..and our radio station begins to blast music..and an abominal? snowman and shark mascots begin to frollic in front of the library here..and I see Bre in the distance.. hehe..it is SO ON.. :). The twins and Lauren and Vicki n Nicki n Fritch n Bre n Rachel n Moos n ::catches breath:: lol. So, we had like a rowers convention..lol... and a freakin Snowball fight with the entire student population! FREAKNG AWESOME. Except the fact that some kid wailed a GA in the face with his fist..- but the guy deserved it..he was being such an ass.. so, police came.. BUT, we continued! lol.. Garber (oh oh..garber was there too@! lol) was taking pics for the newspaper, so i will try to post those if i can get some! So, now that I am pretty wet, Amanda and Megan join Fritch, Luaren and myself oh oh oh and Garber.. lol.. and we take pics with the mascots :D..umm..can you say, "GANGSTER!"    I took Fritch to Lunch and then ran to my last class for the day. (1-3:30).  Rachel and I proceded to the book store where I exchanged shirts my dad got me for smalls, THANK GOD.. lol. Then we stopped by Pier 1.. <- ya, so, gorgeous in there! :)..

Came home, took a nap, and here I am kidoes.. I promised a pic of my dorm room, so, you shall have it!

This is my room! I am to the left, Brittany is to the right...and the matress on the floor is from the recruit that stayed over.. ps- notice the lights on the wall..PSS- notice the lights falling OOFF of the wall.. LOL
<3 Kiki/ Chrisea..haha
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