Antònia Font - "Wa yeah!"

Feb 03, 2009 12:03

Hey, so this is a music video from a Majorcan band called Antònia Font (that at least one of you already knows about). They're really good, and I missed a show that they played this weekend here in Palma (fuck) that will be their last for a while (fuck fuck fuck). My flatmates and I have been listening to this song a lot, and the lyrics are really sweet, so I am going to lj-cut a translation for everyone.

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"Wa Yeah!" - Antònia Font

Jo cant sa lluna i s'estrella
    I sing about the moon and the star
sa jungla i es bosc animat
    the jungle and the enchanted forest
es tren, es vaixell, s'avioneta
    the train, the ship, the little plane
i es teu submarí aquí aparcat
    and your submarine parked here
jo cant es cafè i sa galleta
    i sing about the coffee and the cookie
quan dius tu podries ser meu
    when you say you could be mine
què sexy què dolça i què freda, oh yeah!
    how sexy how sweet and how cold, oh yeah!

sa zebra que passa un semàfor
    the zebra that passes a stoplight
i com se desmunta un bidet
    and how to take apart a bidet
cosmètics i Margaret Astor
    cosmetics and Margaret Astor
ja sé com s'escriu Juliette
    I know how to write ‘Juliette’
jo cant sa rosa i es cactus
    I sing the rose and the cactus
i moltes més coses també
    and many more things too
un llapis digué a un pistatxo: oh yeah!
    a pencil said to a pistachio: oh yeah!

què divertit lo que escric quan estic avorrit per exemple es teu cos
    how fun what I write when I’m bored for example your body
es jersei destenyit, es carrer blanc de sol, es meu cos adamunt
    the unwoven sweater, the street white with sun, my body on top of
per exemple es teu llit de penombra i llençols amb es termo espenyat
    for example your bed of shadow and sheets with the broken thermos
per exemple dormits...
    for example sleeping

jo cant sa lluna i s'estrella
    I sing about the moon and the star
sa jungla i es bosc animat
    the jungle and the enchanted forest
es tren, es vaixell, s'avioneta
    the train, the boat, the little plane
i es teu submarí aquí aparcat
    and your submarine parked here

jo cant sa fruita vermella
    I sing about the red fruit
i quan acabi riuré
    and when I’m done I’ll laugh.
Galàpets, nenúfars, princeses, oh yeah!
    Toads, lilypads, princesses, oh yeah!

I tried to post this in a facebook note, but apparently they don't allow videos embedded in their notes. I have found Facebook's fatal flaw. Anyways, this song makes me smile. I hope it does you too.

wa yeah!, antònia font, music

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