WOW. how much do i not want to study for this philosophy exam, that i've resorted to procrastination

Oct 23, 2005 14:32

i really, really, really miss the people who understand me.
Those people who I trust and who trust me, who always find humor in anything, who will dance all night with me until we're dizzy, who will steal coffee from the met with me and sit for hours in front of "Mark" with, who love the number 72.5% and fucking embrace it, who are always up for smoking out and then trying to be intellectual, who are so intellegent and recongnize the beauty of intellegence in everyone and everything, who love sledding drunk off wine with in the middle of the night in the alps, who take life almost too seriosuly that even they can laugh at themselves, who were always there for me and bring me flowers and candy when i'm sad or sick, who love fashion and clothes and beautiful stores, who love everything beautiful and great, who'll meet me in the middle of the night for gelato and beer and a good walk, who'll cook me pasta and fine dining while trying to act sophistacted but then curse and act dumb, who no matter how ditzy I act still think I'm smart, who 'll no matter what we're fighting about-forget about it and walk over and listen to me cry, who are always there for me, who'll let me lean on their sholder on a yacht saturated with sun crossing the almalfi coast, who -like me- just found out that washington d.c. isn't in washington(which is fucking retarded),who appreciate me and think I'm smart, who loves Eamon and the Spice Girls and who'll come eat chinese with me anyday even though its che schevo, who'll invite me out when im sad, who'll sacrifice everything just to come see my show, who know what I'm thinking so that I don't have to say anything, who take joy in playing games or swinging on swings and don't mind acting like they're 5, who appreciate and advocate drinking on a thursday night, who understand what life is like and how to love, and all of these people who are so beautiful and amazing, who take things for what they are at face-value and love them, hold them, and care for them, are so so far away.
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