Oct 11, 2007 17:06
I really hate everyone right now. Everyone who has become my "friend" isnt an actual friend.
Almost all of you (mainly the guys because Amanda and Kamilla are da bomb) want to hang out with me when either you're bored, I can get alcohol, or it's convienent. But when you're at State, WHERE I LIVE, none of you even bother to call me. That's cool.
Thanks a fucking lot. I help you out whenever you guys need it, I put in my money for stuff for everyone, I try to support your band(s).
But apparently that doesn't matter because even still no one cares or respects me enough to even simply TELL ME THEY ARE 20 FEET AWAY.
Cool. Good fucking friends right. I'm not saying I can't call any of you, I can. But if I was right by your house/in the area I would at least text you to see what you are doing.
Whatever I don't want friends. I'm glad my birthday week is starting off good.