Kevin DeYoung's message "Church"

Jun 09, 2010 00:34

Includes the fullness of Christ. Visible and necessary expression is the hope of the world.


Grow in Love:
Decision to believe what God's word says about the church and to bear with the failings of the church. Love is a deciision

Grow in commitment:
Commitment: a decision to settle down and to serve

1 Peter 2:5 The church is a building. Christ is the cornerstone. Jesus without the church is like a basement without the house.
Ephisians 1:22, the church is a body.

Institution of marriage, shows relationship between Christ and church. Shadow of marriage shall have given away to substance. Christ. The Church is Christ's bride.
Christ gave his life to his enemies for his bride. He didn't take their lives. Jesus loves the church and she is often imperfect.

Declarative gospel preaching, baptism, church discipline, Lord's supper...etc

Application Questions

How does understanding what the church is (a building, a body, a bridge) change your attitude toward the church?

Are you asking the right questions about the church? (What questions should you stop asking? What questions do you need to ask more frequently?)

Where do your expectations of the church need to be adjusted?

How does the doctrine of original sin affect our expectations for the church?

Why do we need more plodding visionaries? How could you be a better plodding visionary?

If we are to grow in love and commitment we need to:

Ask the right questions.
We are losing nominal Christians who no longer feel the need or cultural pressure to go to church.

Are we believing the Gospel? People will not be convinced of Christianity if we are not convinced of it.
People are eager to hear someone passionately, humbly, winsomely speak "thus sayeth the Lord"
Has the role of the word shrunk.

Are we getting the Gospel out? With words Gospel?

Are we getting it right? Am I embracing temporal values?

Are we adorning the Gospel with good works?

Are we training our children

Are we trusting in God's sovereignty in the Gospel?

6. Are we praying?

As long as God is interested in his glory, he is interested in your church.

Having right expectations..
Doctrine of original sin = we are predisposed to sin. Helps us understand our churches better. We are JUSTIFIED and SINNERS. Bride and prostitute.

Do I love community so much that I am prone to destroy it? Am I impatient with real community? Remember sin, and remember is starts with us and we are in need of a Savior. Doctrine of sin forces us to take a look at ourselves.

You can easily find an identity in being jaded.

It's harder to put up with the church and easier to hate.

We need fewer revolutionaries and more plodding visionaries. We need to establish the right vision. Zachariah 4:8,10 Do not despise the days of small things, (plodding, slowly but surely) Get on the right road and keep going. we are prone to radicalism without follow through. (takes humility) Long obedience in same direction.

Application Questions

How does understanding what the church is (a building, a body, a bridge) change your attitude toward the church?

Are you asking the right questions about the church? (What questions should you stop asking? What questions do you need to ask more frequently?)
1. In what ways am I becoming the change I want to see in my church?
2. What are some of my negative contributions and how can they change? -Complaining about tasks, or making sure others have known what I have contributed to a project, etc.
-Being sober-minded and prepared to worship with I attend church and LS (etc). Praying before meetings. Spurring others on to that.

Where do your expectations of the church need to be adjusted?

How does the doctrine of original sin affect our expectations for the church?
It brings us to reality.

Why do we need more plodding visionaries? How could you be a better plodding visionary?
Plodding visionaries sustain the church because of their perseverance. Where would the church be today without them? They keep the future in sight and don't give up hope because they have a clear view of God's promises and vision. The fact that they can plod is because they have a solid understanding of and faith in God. When you don't understand something, it can at times be hard to appreciate it. They recognize that it is God who does the work. It's easier to burn out or give up when you're relying on yourself and see yourself fail before others. I can be a better visionary by continuing to have passion for God's people and in the duties I perform. Sunday school: Thinking ahead of lessons. Viewing my service as a unique opportunity to share the Gospel with little Children, not just babysitting.

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