Aug 28, 2007 21:43
i dont knwo why i bother to update bbut i guess sjut so i can remeber lets see. i ad a really BAD saturday....i got reended..which si funny caquse it was liek jsut liek a dya before that it was teh year sicne i last got reeneded i dont knwo what my luck is, but its NEVEr my fault, this time the car in front of the car infront of my ran out fo gas and we all ahd ot stop fast and i ahd no problems but the guy behind me did an dnow my bumper is lower...and then after that sjut little bad stuff happened and then late that night our washer machine never stopped filling andit liek over filled for like 45 minutes and we had a HUGE flood in our basement and i was the only ooen hoem to clena it...sot hat sucked, but sunday afternoonish my sisi and i left and went canoeing on monday up north in grayling. it was fun. we ottaly told teh guy like an hour off and we paddled like super hard teh entire tiem to try to get there in time and we made it but whats supsoe to tkae a 5 and half hour trip we made a 4 hour with 2 breaks for lunch and what not.oo and my sis made em broadside a tree it was funny and a little painful. but yea it wasa nice trip, only one week till shoudl eb intersting... my bor si fixing his first car thta mny mom bought him that sat for liek 3 years for me to its sorta gonna become my car by moms permission so whatev. umm i thoghut i had other things to say..but now inm gonna say yea.