We have our works Christmas lunch today too and we're not expected to go back to work after it so my day finishes at 1.30. Lunch with my colleagues, who are a nice bunch, then a spot of Christmas shopping and then I'm off to Sadler's Wells to ogle fit male dancers in black leather... sorry, I mean appreciate the gender politics exposed by the reversal of the traditional pretty, arch-feminine roles in Swan Lake.
Had a lovely evening yesterday,
silenttex and I joined the Champagne Set for some pre-Christmas drinks and chocolates. Added bonus: I reckon a strawberry daiquiri counts as one of your five portions of fruit so healthy too! We left early (ensuring people were sorry to see us go, which is always gratifying to the ego *grin*) and got home in time for the CSIs and to drag some poor fellow out in the freezing cold fog to deliver us our food.
It's always hard getting up in the morning when there's someone still asleep beside you, but doubly hard this morning as I knew
silenttex didn't have to get up as all as his work finished yesterday. *mutter* *grumble* Still only a couple more hours for me now and given the very slippery streets this morning I'll be glad to not have to go to work again for awhile. I was moving very slowly and carefully down to the bus stop as it was just ice everywhere. I marvel at people who can walk on ice, I've never been able to.
And it looks like all the Christmas presents I've bought will arrive in time (up until yesterday I wasn't sure any of them would). I've got a parcel at the Post Office waiting for pick-up, UPS are redelivering something tomorrow and I successfully intercepted one of
silenttex's presents last night - for reasons that make sense if you know what it is I had ordered it to be delivered under his name. It's origin was clearly marked, don't worry, I haven't stealing all his mail!
I'm sure I'll be on LJ Over the holidays (all those end of year memes to complete!), but just in case and for anyone who only accesses it from work:
Happy Christmas! I hope however you're celebrating this season of capitalism, tinsel and bacchanalia, you have a good one.
Here's a topical Christmas joke, written by
rosamicula Q: What's Tex's favourite carol?
A: Silent Night