Saturday - Picked up some new shoes from the post office. Bought them on eBay while I was over in Canada and they had arrived by the time I got home. A brand new pair of smart size nine slingbacks for £20. Not bad eh?
Sunday - Tried a new hair colour today (still red), but it's come out a lot darker than I was expecting. I'll probably go back to my old colour next month. This one isn't as dramatically red as the other one and is too dark for my colouring (although Goth is in this season (*rolls eyes*) so dark hair is good), although it may fade into a better colour.
Monday - In a fit of good intentions, I went to the gym after work. I've been slacking it a bit recently and am having difficulty getting back into the rhythm of going regularly. Spent the rest of the evening aching after not doing that much of a workout. *sigh* The body is very poorly designed, why can't you work out, get fit and in shape, and stay there? That would be a much better design.
Tuesday - Here, have some cool science, courtesy of
Measuring Einstein's theory of gravity (to be clear,
trampedamage sent me the link, she didn't actually do the science).
Wednesday - For once, the movie channels had films starting when we were flicking the channels after NCIS, so
silenttex and I watched Batman Begins. It's nowhere near as bad as I remembered it. The badness of Christian Bale and Katie Holmes overwhelmed my memory of the film and I had forgotten how good everyone else is (especially Morgan Freeman and Tom Wilkinson). It definitely needs editing though, it could comfortably lose at least 30 mins. Still, watching Liam Neeson beat the shit out of Christian Bale is always entertaining.
Thursday - Horrific news about Richard Hammond's crash. I'm sure you've all seen it already but if you haven't here's a
link to the collection for Yorkshire Air Ambulance that's being made in his name, which I thought was a great way of harnessing the huge public reaction to his accident.
Friday - Spa recommendation:
Simple Spa on Neal Street, just off Shaftesbury Avenue. It's a very nice place and they had a good range of CDs to choose from - nothing's less relaxing that listening to 'relaxing' music that you don't like - and they offer a 25 min back, neck and shoulder massage for £25. Perfect lunch hour treat for those of working in the centre of town. Obviously there's a limit to what one woman can achieve in 25 mins (especially on my back) but my shoulders are definitely more relaxed than when I went in.
They've a temper, some of them -- particularly verbs, they're the proudest -- adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs -- however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Lewis Carroll - "Through the Looking Glass".
stoater noun - Another racing word after last week's trifecta. A stoater is a very large bet.
Osama bin Laden apparently, a month ago of typhoid. Unconfirmed, unsurprisingly.
CNN article here