Dispatches from the old homestead...

Sep 16, 2006 14:44

Saturday - Went out shopping in Saskatoon. Both The Bay and Sears were having handbag sales, which was nice of them. I got a lovely red shoulder bag and a very cute black handbag with pink accents.

Sunday - As previously mentioned, bought a Palm. Electronic books will mean I won't always have to have room for a book or two in my bag and, obviously, they take up no room on a bookcase and aren't heavy to pack. But, as with having music on a computer rather than on a CD, is that it makes it harder to share. The brave new world is more convenient but more selfish.

Monday - Tried making digestive biscuits from a recipe queenortart posted but they didn't work. I have promised to perfect a recipe before going out to Canada again.

Tuesday - One last batch of cinnamon swedishes, to remind the family trampledamage why they want me to come visit again, and it was time to journey home again. The Palm did the trick and kept me amused with books and games throughout my journey. Strange thing about Canada #1: Every airport toilet I went into had a sharps bin.

Wednesday - Back in the UK with presents for everyone. Well not eveyone, but all those who asked shall receive. Lovely holiday but good to be home.

Thursday - I was going to go see Robbie Williams, but instead I hit the trifecta of PMS, jetlag and post-holiday blues and opted for an evening in with silenttex. Notes to self: keep an eye out for PMS next month and don't make plans that involve flying back from Canada one day and going out the next.

Friday - Cloud O'DoomTM had mostly dissipated but I still wasn't up for a lot of people so I only stopped by flickgc and drplotka's wedding party briefly, worked the room saying hi to the people I knew and then headed back to the tranquility of home.

Hell is other people - Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980)

trifecta noun - A system of betting in which the bettor must pick the first three winners in the correct sequence.

One person in Wisconsin (many more have been hospitalised) from a recent e. coli outbreak - remarkable because the infected product was not some dodgy fast food burger but bags of organic spinach!! Latest CNN report here.
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