In Ancient Rome, 35 was the age of a man in his prime, eligible to become a consul

Jan 14, 2009 20:30

I have a game for you. You'll like this. Except Phale, but sod that.

Get out there and find a hymnal. Yes a hymnal. Get out there and get one. Now.

Now open it and we'll play the "in bed" game. Pick a title, any title.

Our God Is An Awesome God...

... in bed.

Get it?

Keep going, there's so much to work with:
I Need Thee Every Hour ( Read more... )

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westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:22:30 UTC
I'll bite.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the bed.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 06:23:22 UTC
In a similar traditional vein, we can move on to Rock of Ages in bed.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:26:19 UTC
We could, yeah.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 06:28:13 UTC
What would you suggest? The Lutheran hymnals are a treasure troves.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:31:42 UTC
Never really was a religious man, myself. Don't really know all that many. I know a couple of really important quotes from scripture...and boy did this one turn badly:

"Suffer not a witch to live" ... in bed.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 06:32:35 UTC
Traditionally they're dealt with in the town square.

Try the 10 Commandments instead.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:37:23 UTC
No...most of the just sounds like reiterations, man.

"Thou shalt not worship any god before me" in bed.
"Do not worship false idols" in bed.
"Do not swear falsely by the name of God" in bed.
"Don't do anything on Sunday" in bed.
"Honor your father and mother" in bed.
"Do not kill" in bed.
"Do not commit adultery" in bed.
"Do not steal" in bed.
"Don't lie" in bed.
"Don't dream about someone else" in bed.

Hey, that was actually pretty funny.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 06:41:52 UTC
See! You can't commit adultery in bed, but the coffee table is fair game.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:43:16 UTC
You're a funny guy.
Name's Ramirez, by the way.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 06:48:57 UTC
More people should recognize that.

Crowley. Have a beer on me, Ramirez.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 06:54:56 UTC
Don't mind if I do.

Heh, trust me, I'm used to the sarcastic humor.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 07:00:38 UTC
I have 230 to share if you've gotten through yours already.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 07:01:47 UTC
230 beers? What, you doin' other peoples' for 'em?

...and I guess I can have a few.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 07:04:18 UTC
A few. It's "community service."

Have as many as you want. I've had 451 so far.


westcoastrc January 15 2009, 07:06:21 UTC
Community service?

451?...That's not humanly possible...of course, that just stands to reason, you're not quite human.


itsjustafruit January 15 2009, 07:08:43 UTC
It's Phale's idea of winning a bet. I'm supposed to do good for people. Since there are people who don't want to/can't drink 100 beers, I'm doing them a good turn.

I should go professional on the beer-drinking circuit.


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