[v'day] luckily

Feb 14, 2012 17:02

"Do you think if I committed a completely unprovoked murder your presence could keep me out of jail?" Jondy asked, apropos of nothing, as Bastian held the door open for her. He raised an eyebrow at her, taking claim of her hand again and pulling her along slightly as he wound his way expertly through the casino. She was always asking these sorts of questions, 'Do you think if...' So far she hadn't come up with one that Bastian couldn't reasonably brush aside with his luck.

"Am I with you?" he finally prompted, looking around for a free table. He saw Jondy glance over her shoulder briefly and shake her hair back over shoulders, effectively covering the bar code on her neck. In a fluid motion, Bastian slung his arm around her shoulders, still keeping a light grip on her hand. Jondy smiled and tilted her head, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "Of course."

A table towards the back had two free seats, across from each other, near enough to the bar that waitresses were flitting around like hummingbirds, but far enough away that the players could easily hear each other talk. "Am I privy to why you're murdering some unsuspecting victim?"

Jondy looked away, absently smoothing down the back of Bastian's shirt, fingers running across the top of his jeans. The coarse hairs on the back of his arm made her wriggle when they brushed against her neck. When they stopped at the bar to order his customary whiskey on the rocks, she glanced up, her blue eyes narrowed in annoyance. "That... girl, keeps looking at you," she muttered, tossing her head back to indicate a rather attractive woman in a red dress who wasn't making any attempt to hide her appraisal of Bastian.

For a moment, he looked between the lady in red and the tiny little minx standing next to him in a royal blue dress that made Bastian want to forgo the tables for the mini-bar back in their suite. "You want to murder her because she's looking at me?"

Jondy blinked at him. "Yes."

"And that's...?"

"Perfectly rational, thank you."

Bastian scratched at the fine stubble on his jaw, his mouth pulling up in a small smile as he laughed, a rumbled that succeeding in pressing Jondy closer against him. "You're jealous that she's looking at me? I can't exactly help that, Blue Eyes."

Pressing her chin against his chest, Jondy pushed her bottom lip out into a bit of a pout, shifting so her legs pressed against his. Bastian's free hand went to her hip, the fabric of her dress bunching between her fingers. He bent down and brushed a kiss against her lips, his tongue tracing the line of her pout until her lips parted with a sigh. He pulled back and glanced up, trying to find the woman in red. "She's not looking anymore."

Jondy sighed, long suffering. "Luckily."
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